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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. I say without ASMB the good and bad incidents i wouldn't be the man I am everyone thank you
  2. @Raptorpat honestly here's an odd idea maybe some kind of meet and greet face to face the voice to voice event would be cool i think a philosophy and religion folder would be nice also for that type of subject manager I've been reading a lot about religion and stuff and it'll be I call myself an agnostic it is a deeply fascinating subject matter both areas or event that opens us up to the outside world .
  3. i don't know what a donkey punch is I have to Google that
  4. sopranos? No watch that show I don't watch much mob content
  5. what enemies state their names
  6. i took a shower and I when I got home and then i'm logging off
  7. He borrowed it 5 minutes ago
  8. I did not lose my pants I've been wearing the same pants for the past 8 hours
  9. No one makes a movie joke yet God damn it
  10. where are they]
  11. i will going to bed
  12. Thanks for explaining okay Thanks for threm of endearment
  13. yeah but I mean Why does classics swim call me colleague ? To my knowledge I don't work with him I could be wrong
  14. colleague ? @[classic swim]
  15. @[classic swim] thank you
  16. ? what now
  17. I have heard of that fan theory before kind of dark but yeah it seemed became a creepypasta I heard about it when It was a theory but I think it became a creepy pasta somehow
  18. I'm also re-watching Rugrats i just came to realize the parents in that so and most other adults are very incompetent dealing with you know watching children making sure they stay safe. Also Angelica is a bitch or even worse a Karen
  19. I also forgot about rocket power
  20. well hey Arnold and Doug are weird because how grounded they are and their reality they're not fantastical no talking babies no talking animals talking to tween girl or or a cat and dog that are conjoined twins
  21. My point exactly us take the earlier doug for example it is the most normal of the nicktoons even with the more grounded series like as told by Ginger and the extra sports one they have and yes Ian hey Arnold was it's partially every replacement of doug you look at the rugrats and Rocko's Modern Life and later examples like fairy odd parents there is normally a set of Nicktoons that from the earlier years that seemed a little bit more grounded like you said and that makes it stand out because I don't think there's any grounded Nicktoons series possibly loud house but that's actually. But there's a certain ones that overlap with each other that seem very very grounded
  22. Mickey likes heavy metal well dont know
  23. Yeah but that's the typical Nicktoon there the oddness was a selling factor from Rugrats to ah real monsters do the infamous SpongeBob and who can forget cat dog and angry beavers doug and hey Arnold seems normal in comparison when it was in fact the things that make those two shows more a typical than the usual Nicktoon i barely can remember today's that Nickelodeon used to just show reruns of other people's shows not their own original content
  24. Okay yeah okay no I just waking that sure I wasn't offended I was just confused no she is that type of person . Well a lot of people take advantage of other people it's just a whale what life it's not moral or good but it's the way of life nonetheless and we just need to face it
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