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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. @[classic swim] what the hell that hurt
  2. over aggression of military force would be a big issue with me
  3. @[classic swim] fix the post if you're going to quote me
  4. You do realize who you're talking to on this board? I mister war monger
  5. Wait did I just state I was running for president I said I would rather run for president than become a law enforcement official I am not saying I would not run I'm just saying I'm not running in 2024
  6. Do you realize how quickly that would become a blood bath and essentially the Sheriff's Office was heavily armed. Most police departments and service departments have some sort of armory. the pragmatism there of the tactical situation versus the legal situation has to be balanced and measured accordingly. It would be like a MP taking a suspect during During a Battlefield operation both parties are armed most likely at the same type of weapon I mean there is a way you have to approach it. And yes they did make some mistakes But Considering the sheriff's department officers was armed thus as well as the police officers One would consider this for the tactical consideration and a practical consideration of a shootout between two law enforcement agencies. That's your imagined what kind of news that would make CNN and Fox News would be all over that shit newsmax CNBC and NPR etc etc
  7. I'm not law enforcement i'll be at I do conserve myself a very moral and ethical man I am not law enforcement. Personally I would run for president before I would become a cop
  8. Now that's I mean yeah the cops did act properly for the most part
  9. @[classic swim] why you telling me you feel sorry about this I mean it's bad but it's something that we need realize happens. It should be proper protocols to handle when a city police department is putting up charges on a county/ perish law enforcement official
  10. this is fucked up
  11. holy fuck jesus Christ why didn't people get the feds involved. Or whatever state this is in the state cops
  12. @Ric what dose hae to do with helloween
  13. it seems like it got rebooted every season i also had a nickname Voyage at the bottom of the ratings. Which memory serves it aired on Sunday nights so yeah you can't really beat the powerhouses on Sunday nights especially on Fox at the time the Simpsons has the same fucking airtime for over 30 years now the series almost had a docu-drama aspect to of it at times originally in the premise I heard so it was kind of like Star Trek at the bottom of the sea mixed with national geographic i personally think a a docu drama disguises as as a sci-fi show would work Too bad Doctor Who doesn't do much historicals anymore I personally would love to see a modern historical
  14. ok thank
  15. yes i am at time
  16. go to hell
  17. thanks
  18. I say without ASMB the good and bad incidents i wouldn't be the man I am everyone thank you
  19. @Raptorpat honestly here's an odd idea maybe some kind of meet and greet face to face the voice to voice event would be cool i think a philosophy and religion folder would be nice also for that type of subject manager I've been reading a lot about religion and stuff and it'll be I call myself an agnostic it is a deeply fascinating subject matter both areas or event that opens us up to the outside world .
  20. i don't know what a donkey punch is I have to Google that
  21. sopranos? No watch that show I don't watch much mob content
  22. what enemies state their names
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