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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. I'm thinking about the clip with the Simpsons that Abraham simpson was awarded an iron cross for being a bad minesweeper i'm been a military history buff for most of my life both teenage and adult but once in a while I heard stories of people being awarded medals by oddball countries during conflicts
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  2. Okay what I mean by internal politics is basically there's a lot of conflicting groups both internal to to both sides of the aisle liberal / left and rights / conservatives are internally at each other's quotes a lot of union members in my state or more right-wing than left But traditionally there are a Democratic party voting block. And a lot of the anabaptist groups comes to in my state or more pacifist but view traditional Republican promillary that their traditionally if they vote or considered lumped into American religious conservatives no I don't believe in local government due to historical precedence that I believe state governments are invalid i'm not saying we don't have them we need a local form of government on all levels but the amounts of power they have is bullshit due to historical preferences to the conflict we had internally in the mid 1800s plus more many local state governments are more corrupt in the fuckers and Washington
  3. look as a Ohioan this is a ridiculous idea that people are looking at my state from outside my state and complaining look my states internal politics is yes predominantly Republican but there's a lot of other issues next to the abortion issues that outside interest on both sides are fighting in Ohio. Ohio's politics has a lot of internal issues that people outside the state don't understand
  4. @Insipid what the fuck ? stay on topic
  5. the south is fucking wired
  6. i agree with this guy is opinion about this whole T14 Armada thing i know none of you guys care about but I just think this is funny
  7. Red Storm Rising is the is a great one to read also and that one is migth be getting made into a movie in a few years so
  8. the books are far better than movie especially the hunt for red october
  9. That's a lot of people in relationships I don't see the bad until too late
  10. one of my favorite books are The Hunt for October and Jurassic Park
  11. is that a quote from something
  12. @suziefish @suziefish_ yeah I mean I love a good bookstore and trust me there's needs to be more book stores in my area
  13. Seems to me bit of more of a controlling thing from the guy but I'm never been in a relationship myself so I can only judge by observing and I have seen a lot of bad relationships
  14. my therapist that has given me more hope than anything else but the psychiatric nurse and I do not care for it
  15. As as someone who has metal illness and depression myself I have dealt with stigma @suziefish @suziefish_ this is not stigma This is people doing a customer complaint more or less i myself had it so I didn't like I am also had issues and it currently will medications I prescribe by my secret psychiatric nurse practitioner which I do not like I am actually quitting without her advice because one I can't sleep too my body is too full of too many damn chemicals three it seems like almost zombie-like still which I don't like
  16. caused a blockage in my testicles @1pooh4u i have swollen tubes down there I don't know how in the hell that happened
  17. ok thank you
  18. That it meat all it is it's this one tubes they said it's nothing to worry about it's just a weird pain
  19. when did you start
  20. well it's just some tubes swollen i am going to be calling urologist tomorrow
  21. quite literally I had pain in my balls and I am not too happy about that
  22. @Insipid not my proudest moment as a member of this community or as a human being and I was not even a member of ASMB at the time
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