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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. NaBarney


    It's his mom's compy okay??
  2. NaBarney


    I can hear Amy Goodman reporting on the future news story now "The suspect, 20something year old Sonic Rican, has a long history of harassing women online and sending thousands of threatening messages to women using the dating website OK Cupid, where he made multiple accounts and used them to not only demand women go on dates him and insult and threaten them when they invariably refused, but also to send follow up messages weeks and months later to the women who had previously rejected and blocked him on the app, telling them they've "made a grave mistake" and "would be sorry" if they refused his advances again. Most of the women he targeted were under 21 years old. The United States currently has no law obligating dating sites like OK Cupid to report people with a history of using the service to harass and threaten users to the police. Advocacy groups are currently calling for such legislation to protect women, citing the Sonic Rican case as a 'wake up call.'"
  3. NaBarney


    ...You know most girls use that site to get fucked and not find a life partner right. Most if not all of her dates probably went fine in that they ended w her getting dicked as intended
  4. As someone posting from 65° weather I just want to say reading this thread made me cringe so hard. I can't imagine putting up with any of that shit. Move out of hell y'all, God clearly hates wherever you are.
  5. A magazine editor I follow is a big Knicks fan, his sad Knicks posts always crack me up. Bhaskar Sunkara – Verified account ‏@sunraysunray Over the last 20 seasons, Knicks were 372-0 with a 10-point lead in the final 3 minutes of 4th Q. But you know, the 76ers are really good. 6:21 AM - 12 Jan 2017 2 RETWEETS9 LIKES
  6. +6
  7. They go bo diddley = caution, alpha player afoot
  8. In NYC and stuff you get full body hazmat suits but that won't keep out the smell
  9. Kinda always thought about getting that job of cleaning out homes and apartments where people died and no one noticed for a very long time, just for the voyeuristic element. Seeing how they lived, what they were into
  10. I don't even understand what situation is being described here
  11. Lmao no one eats cows anymore This fool
  12. Hmm well maybe take some Me Time and spend several days laying in bed, in the dark, not moving or eating much, not talking to anyone, letting the void consume you
  13. I cut myself
  14. And that officially makes it 100% of the people who said they wouldn't post here, now posting here What's asmb been down for, less than two weeks?
  15. His name was entrapoornigga, not extrapoor
  16. That wasn't his screenname, ur racism is showing
  17. So you gonna Venmo me that $50 or how we doing this
  18. Wack name, Riff Raff is king
  19. Not sure what I made in 2016 yet. 2015 was like $11,000
  20. I haven't seen her. I've been wanting to ask her about a thread she made on the asmb a couple months ago about what we'd like to see in a new message board and made it sound a bit like she had an inside track w the architects of a new asmb
  21. NaBarney


    Idk about living there but it's a p nice place to visit it seems like, the state doesn't kidnap most American tourists
  22. You gonna be alright soon, we need our og god mothr of Rants to guide us in the ways of anger and tirade. Keep pushing on
  23. God bless meme generator for retaining everything http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22Westpark%22+%22meme%22
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