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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Vela


    And yet you left anyway?! You just...left me with them?!
  2. Vela


    Stawp it 🥺 Besides, who do you think I am, Poof? ...oh...wait...I guess I could be, right? 😄
  3. Vela


    116 bots and...me. JUST ME! Four pages of bots and me all alone in the upper corner. Weirded me out at 4 in the morning
  4. Vela


  5. It's like, "Something off. You feel fine today and that makes me uneasy. ::slowly reaches for the alarm:: I'm...just...gunna ::presses:: ...press this a couple of times...::holds down indefinitely::"
  6. Whole track
  7. wtvr you do don't reason with him, he's out for blood! yep...I can sleep now...not much left up there...night night nighty nigh
  8. Vela


    Only two here that have heard what I sound like. Bwahahahaha!
  9. That...would be awesome. I love it. I could imagine a scene like that in Arakawa Under the Bridge. Random full list
  10. Vela


    There's only ONE thing we can all be certain of...I'm anyone but myself 🤣
  11. Vela


    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see how it is. Except I'm too tired to retaliate. I\m so tired.
  12. I thought you were already pretty good at doing that.
  13. Vela


    It was going to be a () but then you snuck in the Who which would normally be a (), result = Also
  14. mmmmm no...there's cute and then there's creepy. One is definitely more attractive than the other. Although I guess to people who find furries to be creepy then I should rephrase this and say there's creepy and then there's nightmare fuel.
  15. Busted, kinda sounds like you do, lmao. Again, I'm mess'n with ya.
  16. I was just kidding. She looks so happy to be her.
  17. Telepathy would be ridiculously handy.
  18. Yes, but thankfully you di.... ...dn't. lol
  19. Vela


    ...think I'm being watched... ::whispers: Who are you people...
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