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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I'd love to keep my cat inside but she prefers to do her business outside...which she let me know about early on by pissing on anything other than her kitty litter (of which she has two boxes like "they" suggest) when ever I wouldn't let her out. Cats!
  2. My Dad liked the twighlight zone. My mom was weirded out by it
  3. Cute...I'd call that cute. Whereas my cat will bring me things too...from OUTSIDE...you can't tell but there's annoyance in my voice. She not only brings me things from outside but I only assume that she thinks I must want to play with these things with her because she brings them to me ALIVE. I've had live mice brought into my house and just dropped on the floor like "your turn!"...yeah it mthfckn is isn't it now!!! But the best was when we lived in MI and she brought me a garter snake...right into my living room. Now I don't mind snakes but I had never wrangled a feral one before and my method was neither neat nor quick, mostly because of my spazzing out over it
  4. What are you...trying to get The_annoying_one to rampage?
  5. Well how else did they bread them to be so small...
  6. Yeah, you've got a puppycat on your hands alright ::nods::
  7. I forgot to say that hopefully we can help by boring you back to sleep =^.^= My cat knows when she's being ignored and she does not like it. If laying on me doesn't work she'll go under my bed and scratch at shit and pop up like "Did you hear that? Bet you wanna get up and find out what I've destroyed?" or she'll dart back and forth across the bed relentlessly. If none of those work and she's really pissed she'll go after the curtains because she knows that will get me up but I'm pretty sure she weighs the benefits vs. getting into that much trouble. It's the only reason I can think of as to why she doesn't always go strait to the curtains.
  8. I think that's pretty much the case with most cats...particularly on the days you really need rest or when you have your project laid out just so or when you're doing something gross like scrubbing the bottom of your fridge...they seem to put in a special effort at those times.
  9. Is he breathing through his butt too? Hope you're feeling better tonight. Sorry your sleep's all messed up, but Hi there ::waves::
  10. Icicle to the temple. It's supposed to snow where I am tonight!
  11. What's you're legacy? Oh, tastelss cornflakes and genital mutilation. Disclaimer to all the gents: I didn't mean to make it sound derogatory, nothing weird in function or appearance with either in my opinion
  12. The gold one is harsher than the mint. Maybe it's psychological because you don't get the same satisfaction with mouthwash as you do with the food, forcing yourself to hold burning liquid in your mouth just seems like a minimal form of self-torture
  13. Man. Listerine. Did Dr. Kellogg have a hand in this?! Psshhh, breakfast is the most important meal of the day Circumcisions.
  14. Sure. Actually when I briefly worked at an aphasia center they taught us to always put about a half inch of Listerine in the commodes before and after use (like making our own toilet water), kept them sterilized and prevented them from smelling like poop all the time.
  15. It's safe. It's no different than any other alcohol base mouthwashes. People had been using alcohol for both purposes before it was marketed as mouthwash. Listerine was developed as a safe option of antiseptic to use during surgery. The floor cleaners you're thinking about, with bleach or ammonia, are totally different than Listerine.
  16. Listerine was first intended as a floor cleaner and an antiseptic for surgery.
  17. Even when people know better advertisement still wins them/us over.
  18. The only thing you're missing is, "Oh good, now we have carbonated mayonnaise lime water!"
  19. Either condensed milk or cream cheese, and mayo as well? The look of it reminds me of this one
  20. omg you're so right!
  21. "You can follow American social history by looking at the history of Jell-O ads," Belluscio points out. Early ads promised housewives that they could serve what the rich were eating "for just ten cents a box," a major advance for a dish so refined that many working-class Americans had never even seen it. The "Jell-O girl" was introduced in 1908 and was wildly successful at convincing Americans to associate Jell-O with the purity and innocence of childhood. Sales of sugar, and therefore Jell-O, were rationed during World War I, but in the interwar period (the 1920s and '30s), the popularity of gelatin salads soared. The Depression spurred homemakers to stretch their ingredients as far as possible, and the introduction of lime-flavored Jell-O in the early 1930s gave the salad trend a major boost. Entire cookbooks were devoted to lime Jell-O, according to Belluscio, often instructing cooks to add a tablespoon of vinegar to cut the sweetness when using flavored gelatins in savory vegetable salads. If during the 19th century, not to mention much of the 20th, beef and potatoes represented culinary masculinity, gelatin dishes came to be seen as the perfect feminine food: "Dainty Desserts for Dainty People," as the title of a 1915 Knox Gelatine cookbook put it. Teahouses and ladies' social events served light, "refreshing" fare, and that meant Jell-O salads, as shown in this Jell-O ad featuring "Mrs. Dewey's smartest salads!" Jell-O salads were dainty and refined, but affordable, too: a way for ordinary women to aspire to a higher social status. As World War II began, they were a way to "prove to you and your friends that you can still do luscious entertaining in spite of shortages and rations," as one wartime recipe for "Olive Relish" (olives, pickles, celery, and vinegar in lime Jell-O) declared. [the article goes on to say that there was a reprise in the gelatin salads in the 50's when surveys were conducted - "The results were stark: They rated a woman who resorted to instant products as "lazy, disorganized...and a bad wife." So women began putting the labor back into 'convenience' foods by adding prepared foods, which is where the meat and...tuna comes into play.]
  22. But... I have... so many... You've seen me in the food thread. Can I post them all?! Calm down...calm down, me. I know!!! I'll post only the ones from one of my fav foody youtuber. WARNING: This man yells. This man yells a lot and I love it but you may want to preemptively adjust your volume (or use him to wake up in the morning as I do) but you've been warned. It's the pouring sound effect in this one. Just for fun. This one is for all the Europeans out there. Don't argue...Betty Crocker calls it a salad.
  23. I was immediately reminded of this, btw.
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