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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Only by name, yeah. I'm not big on horror but I'll watch it if there's other good content in it. And I could see how some anime would make it into their line-up...Parasyte popped into mind.
  2. Okay, the songs have ended. I shall retire to bed. Good night guys. Sleep well when you do. ^.^
  3. Okay, now I know I'm tired because this song is making me think of cat butts dancing together Given how much cats sleep...
  4. omgyou'resomean
  5. Aw, he's fading... sleepy sleep time.
  6. We'll have to record you on the keyboard and that then.
  7. Except for that I just asked you to.
  8. I think that'd work too.
  9. I think I'm gunna need to be shouted off the computer. Anybody up for it?
  10. are we talking about your laptop low on batteries? Is there an insulin shot in order? WHAT IS HAPPENING OVER THERE? It is really late though.
  11. I'd say you get to wear wtvr you want as it looks like you're going to be lead guitar, percussions and keyboard... good luck.
  12. Okay...but can I still wear war paint and run around screaming Robert Frost poems?
  13. They look so happy! Aw man, it's almost 3 am? I was so going to try to go to sleep earlier tonight
  14. 😆 I love how my youtube goes right into Bo Burnham songs if I leave it.
  15. Aw man, I wanna be the weirdo staring off into space (which most likely sums up most of my childhood). OK fine! I call vocals then! You guys all dress nice in sweater vests and shit and I'll just run around the stage with war makeup on and thrash singing Robert Frost lines.
  16. lmao, I'm not say'n!
  17. Oh, something else entirely which I cannot in good conscience recommend to people But I also use Funimation.
  18. ::booming announcer voice: ATOMIC THUNDER. His new wrestling name.
  19. Also that's what my "Watching" folder on the anime site I use looks like.
  20. Robert Frost. I remember doing a chorus piece that put music to his poems in highs chool. At least I think that's Robert Frost, right?
  21. Same assholes raising their kid's to be assholes too. I get upset too.
  22. Omg this same exact things happened to my other cousins' family dog. A little sheltie, like those miniature collies. Their neighbor had two rottweilers and apparently abused them. They let their dog out to do her business like they did everyday and the two rottweilers literally broke through the wooden fence and murdered their dog. They reported the neighbors, dogs were taken away and they got fined for animal abuse. Ugh, sorry if we're bringing anyone down here.
  23. It's the double edged sword of being a human.
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