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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Now that that matter's handled... ...I think my pee might be radioactive 😆 It's neon orange. Lol...I should go to the peepee poopoo thread.
  2. Okay fine then. I look forward to hearing about the lovely walk you have tomorrow.
  3. hmm yeah I see yours and it's not doing anything for me either. The other ones that say they're gifs too ::shrugs:: only this one
  4. SuperWasted shouldn't be too surprised...I've had this reaction before about this topic
  5. ...although that sort of implies that he was more often than not glaring at you...and I know that's not the case
  6. ... .. . I think I've been pretty tolerable with all this water talk in my thread. Keep it up though and jussay'n
  7. I'm drinking some with lemon and ice right now! My neighbor treats lemons like the be all fixer end all ailments, and she's always bringing them over. Idky my brain has tricked me into thinking that drinking out of this stainless steal tumbler thing I got at my cousins wedding makes water taste slightly better. I'm gunna role with it though. It does keep it colder for way longer so gotta be double walled, except it's pink...I forgive it's shortcomings.
  8. @SuperWastedOnLife Okay, you've done 'ominous' and 'gnarly'. Next one (wnvr that is) needs to be a different expression, like 'baffled' or...Idk 'raaaaaaaaage'...no don't do rage, that might be too intense
  9. I was gunna say the same thing scoob said about previous pic...too serious! This is way better, lol.
  10. ...or something yes, but not crystal light or any artificial sweetener. I'd rather not have anything at all than the taste of aspartame or stevia in my drink or the myriad of other health hazards they pose. Stevia in baking isn't terrible, in anything else no thanks. But I actually do have something I use. I like Liquid I.V. I really don't need a lot of it to make water bearable. 👍
  11. They sent me home with the pill version. I haven't had to take it though. They prescribed me like 5 different pills...I'm taking pills eleven times a day, I feel like my phone alarm never turns off. Kidney stones no joke
  12. Laws of the Land. Orca: What laws? Watching them sink the seals together. Impressive. And we most certainly are just skinny hairless seals to them, why think otherwise? Even murderous psychopathic people look human from the outside XD
  13. I'm on their side too. They've identified a threat and are doing their best to eliminate it. "Now Junior, that's what we call a mistake...we beach those. Send it back whence it came."
  14. I'm being DISCHARGED! Got the green light. It's a go.
  15. SHOW ME YOUR HANDS! Yeeeah, just like that...hold on, memory card is full...
  16. Oh that's cool 😄 No I like the song, but it's likely to be stuck here for days now.
  17. Aaaaaaaand now doubly screwed 😄
  18. Glad you pointed it out though. Sorry @Ric
  19. Oh shit! It's fixed, IT'S FIXED! My motor skills have been compromised and I'm not used to using my phone on this site, I assure you it was unintentional.
  20. Noooooooo this is one that gets stuck in my head all day I'mttlyscrewedit'salreadyhappening >.<
  21. Lol
  22. Me too again. Nighty night! Sleep well! ::waves at phone::
  23. Nah no worries...that damn machine keeps going off and waking everybody up anyway. Soon my deprivation will win out and I'll sleep through it though.
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