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Everything posted by BUU8800

  1. My Hero Academia 44
  2. Hinamatsuri 6 Toji no Miko 18
  3. Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 6 Comic Girls 6
  4. So like, it's still hitting me: we won the fuckin' Super Bowl!
  5. Stella no Mahou 1 - 12(END)
  6. Oh, did she actually make an account here? I rend to stick to myself so I never realized. Also, stop being a creeper admin creeper!
  7. Already own it all so I'm good. But this reminds me how I miss those 5:30 am rewatches. I miss Doxie, wonder how she's doing. That feels so long ago and somehow like it was only yesterday at the same time. Memories.
  8. Operation Make Lupin Dumber! Well this was certainly a weird and wacky pink jacket Lupin outing. I never actually decided if it was supposed to take place in the far past setting of the original pink jacket series or not though. I don't recall seeing any modern computers or cell phones or whatnot, but I may have missed something. Regardless, I guess I'm glad the brothers made out alright, and watching everyone clobber Lupin, or feed him in Goemon's case, to lower his intelligence was humorous. Still, Jigen's initial plan of having Fujiko strip remained the best. Too bad it never happened, but at least Lupin tried in a way only he could. Next week, the start of the next arc? That new guy was also in one of the promotional posters iirc so there's a good chance.
  9. Tachibanakan Triangle 6 Lupin III: Part V 6 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 6
  10. Amanchu! Advance 5 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 16
  11. Alright it's time for episode 43 this week, "Drive it Home, Iron Fist!!" adapting Chapters 77 - much of 79 from Volume 9 of the original source manga. Deku may have triumphed over Muscular in spectacular fashion, but the battle took a heavy toll on his body, and there are still plenty of villains on the attack, with students out in the open! Nice to see Aizawa alright from Dabi's attack last episode. And Deku has left Kota in his trusty hands. Defend yourselves students, you've got permission! And they're after Bakugo err Kacchan! We got Tsuyu and Uraraka fending off Toga, Bakugo and Todoroki tackling the bondage tooth-freak Moonfish, and of course Kendo with our titular main man Tetsutestsu from 1-B jumping into the gas head on! That's the way! Nice teamwork. But oh goodness, Dark Shadow is on the rampage! Damn that's quite the spectacle.
  12. My Hero Academia 43
  13. Hinamatsuri 5 Toji no Miko 17
  14. Tada-kun wo Koi wo Shinai 5 Comic Girls 5
  15. 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 5
  16. Well damn, wasn't expecting everything to be wrapped up all neat and tidy after 5 episodes. But it looks like the Lupin Game arc is done, and I'm satisfied with how it played out. Zenigata looked good, everyone else also felt true to their characters too, and Ami was a nice addition. I'll be kinda disappointed if this is all we get from her though. The promotional material made it look like she'd be this series' Rebecca equivalent from Part IV but if she doesn't show up anymore that won't be the case. I also wondered how far they'd try taking the whole "Fujiko is now an enemy" routine from last week, and I'm happy to say the answer was...not far. While it's clear her relationship with Lupin is still strained it's not to the point where they can't work together, very good. Overall this arc was solid I'd say. The preview for next week definitely has me confused though. Pink jacket Lupin from Part III is back? Zenigata's colors seemed to match his from that series too. Is this supposed to be a flashback episode or something? I'm guessing it'll be a one-off episode either way. No surprise there as Part IV had several one-offs, but I do wonder how many more arcs we'll have and how long they'll last like the Lupin Game 5 Parter. But I guess we'll see soon enough so....until next week!
  17. Tachibanakan Triangle 5 Lupin III: Part V 5
  18. I began Fire Emblem: Echoes a few days ago. Interesting, the cave exploration gimmick is. And the overworld map feels more like something from a Mario game than the previous 3DS Fire Emblem games.
  19. ^^^^Exactly. If they got massively big, beautiful tits, and then the show goes oh but they're still only 16(coughOrihimecough) or some shit whatever. Fair game.
  20. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 15
  21. For whatever it's worth I actually don't mind an "average shonen." And I'm really referring to Black Clover which I enjoy despite all the(accurate if overblown) complaints about it being too similar to Naruto and whatnot. Something doesn't have to be original to be enjoyable for me, but it is nice that Academia can do both.
  22. Well his mom was his first fan....or maybe All Might since his mom doubting him and her guilt towards it is an important plot point early on, but still.
  23. Oh it's definitely an emotionally moving and powerful scene Sandstone, no doubt. Deserving of the praise it has received.
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