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Experience will vary by person. Right Stuff is only really worth it if you order enough, $49 worth iirc, to qualify for free shipping. No tax either unlike amazon, for new things anyway, so usually I just wait until I have at least that much worth of stuff to order. It's not fast shipping but good enough. I will also say amazon has sent me blu rays with cracked cases and manga with mangled spines before that I've begrudgingly accepted while I've never had any sort of issue like that from Right Stuff. At least that I can remember. In fact back when Funimation fucked up their Sankarea release by using censored masters they even sent out replacement uncut discs completely free and let us keep the mistaken edited ones Funi original used. Those backup discs are the only reason I still technically even own that series as I really soured on it later on and sold the LE packaging with the censored discs and still have the uncut ones. But as far as actually buying used goes? Yeah, I imagine ebay and amazon as the best bets outside of a local place if you live by one.
Golden Kamuy 2
Persona 4 the Animation 1 - 26(END)
Kota, oh yes we'll be seeing much more with him. Interestingly enough, for a geek like me anyway, next week's episode title is his name, "Kota." Why is that interesting? Because that's also the title for Chapter 71 of the manga, which was adapted this week. Guess they really wanted to use it anyway though for next week. Well it's not like it's not still applicable I suppose.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 13
Deku's physique definitely stood out. But if you remember he got that working out with All Might cleaning the beach waaay back in season one. Still, it'd be easy for them to just draw a generic thin kid body so it's nice that they're keeping up in the details department.
Amanchu! Advance 2
Alright then it's episode 40 this week, "Wild, Wild Pussycats." Adapting the rest of Chapter 70 and 71 to finish off Volume 8 of the original source manga. At last, the forest training camp has begun! And we get to see a somewhat extended look at the forest of beasts. The scenario of training before you even eat reminds me a bit of early Dragon Ball, in a good way. I love the creature designs, as well as their immunity against Koda's ability. Who we've still seen too little of to this point. And it was nice to see everyone get to show their stuff a little bit. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I do so enjoy scenes like the students acting like kids on the bus. And the Pussycats for whom the episode is named...leave quite the impression don't they? Speaking of, that bath scene! Too bad for Mineta, but I admire his spirit. Oh yeah, that was quite the view young Kota got. And a solid save by Midoriya! And even after getting punched in the junk earlier too, a true hero. Poor Kota though, to lose both parents at such a young age. His attitude isn't really surprising. So we're gonna get some quirk strengthening training! This should be fun!
My Hero Academia 40
Hinamatsuri 2 Toji no Miko 14
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 2 Comic Girls 2 I also see that Wotaku started today. As a reader of the source material I had planned on watching it weekly, but I think instead I'll pick it as one of my "6 and 6" shows for this season. Similar to what I did with a few shows last season like Gakuen Babysitters I'll watch it in 6 episode chunks.
3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2
Episode 2 this week and the Lupin game is in full swing. That first part involving the Zenigata chase really gave off the feel of watching a live sporting event or something with all the cuts to the internet stream reactions. Ah the wonders of modern technology. It's pretty clear the show is pushing that angle hard. I was a bit surprised Zenigata would let something like Lupin fleeing to an unaffiliated country stop him from pursuit, but then I guess this series is meant to be taken more seriously with stuff like that. I liked Lupin betting on the public's lack of an attention span, but he wasn't counting on assassins to spice the game up! Still not much of Fujiko in the early going, and I'm still fairly indifferent on Ami, but perhaps that'll change as she gets more involved. It even looked like she might have been hit or grazed in the preview. Lupin still displaying that chivalry. It made me think about how the whole no honor among thieves thing really doesn't apply to him...most of the time anyway.
Tachibanakan Triangle 2 Lupin III: Part V 2
Less than 5 days to go!
Alright cool, thanks.
Golden Kamuy 1
By the way, and this is rather off topic, but I just got called out for a formatting issue regarding my post on MAL by some jackass and I'm not sure what they meant and don't wanna respond to them so I figured I'd ask here: do those two images I posted in my episode 39 post automatically appear huge for anyone or something? Cause they're looking fine to me, but I am using a different computer than I did while I took my season two screengrabs from last year and when I compare some images I took from then to these two these two definitely have larger proportions. But, for me anyway, they only actually appear ridiculously huge when I view the images separately in a new tab and click on them to increase the size. In my post itself they look fine so far as I can tell. So I'm wondering if they're appearing huge in my post for everyone else except me, or if that guy was just being an ass and they're fine. If it's the former I have a guess as to why and will attempt to adjust for next week, but I don't really wanna go through the hassle if this guy was just being a dick. I'd appreciate someone letting me know.
Invisible or not I can't advise anyone choosing to eat at Arbys @AnimationFan14.
Amanchu! Advance 1
And so the time has come at last for the third season of My Hero Academia to begin! And we do begin with "Game Start," the 39th episode overall. Inspired largely off of an extra double-page spread at the end of Volume 5 of the original source manga it's time for some anime-original pool antics! And I gotta say, I do sympathize with Mineta and Kaminari's desires. I mean the girls look fantastic in swimwear, especially Momo my god! But all of them do really. Well I suppose it was nice to start back into the series, recap bits aside, but I'm certainly ready for things to begin progressing even more with the main storyline next week! Oh, and yeah, fun op/ed. Visuals were very nice in particular.
Hinamatsuri 1 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 12 My Hero Academia 39 Should also point out for no particular reason that earlier in the night I had the worst panic attack I've had in over a year, probably two. Felt like I was gonna die for about 75 minutes so...yeah, that was fun!
Toji no Miko 13
Dead at 82. I saw his name trending on twitter a few minutes ago and figured it was either him pulling a Miyazaki and deciding to try and make another movie, or this, and unfortunately I knew he was in his 80s so I figured it was this. Funnily enough earlier today I was thinking again randomly about how I would never be able to bring myself to watch Grave of the Fireflies, which he directed. I know it's a masterpiece, but I just can't handle it. I watched In this Corner of the World earlier this year and that destroyed me enough. Couldn't imagine suffering through something somehow even more tragic than that. I haven't seen all of his films, I haven't seen Fireflies as I mentioned, but also have yet to watch Princess Kaguya and probably others. I did watch two of his films earlier this year though, right around the time I watched In This Corner of the World. I watched Only Yesterday for the second time in my life and the first in over a decade and loved it. And I was delighted by My Neighbors the Yamadas, which I was watching for the first time. I've also seen Pom Poko before back in the day and enjoyed it quite a bit. And on the television front I've even seen some of the shows he worked on like the first Lupin series. The man was a master who lived a long, productive life. And his work speaks for itself. Japan has lost a national treasure, rip.
So this weekend's episode draws ever closer. We should be resuming the series with the 39th episode overall. Now as some of you might have read or even seen if you were there Funimation screened the Season 3 premiere at Anime Boston last week. But now I'm reading they actually screened Episode 40, the second episode, and that 39 is actually just gonna mostly be another recap episode with a little bit of new material. Whether this was intentional on their part or not I'm not sure, but if you'll recall last season started with an episode that was pretty much entirely recap that isn't considered a main episode number. On the Blu-Rays it's considered episode 13.5. From what I understand episode 39 will be similar to that one, but probably have a bit more new stuff which is why it isn't being called 38.5. All that is to say that when episode 39 finally does premiere on Saturday morning it probably isn't going to be what Funimation showed at Anime Boston. I say probably because the source I'm using isn't official but is just about never wrong with stuff like this. But we'll see either way I guess. EDIT: And here it is, Funi will not have the Dub ready for Episode 39 afterall this weekend and will start the simuldub with Episode 40 next week, the one they showed at Anime Boston.