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Everything posted by BUU8800

  1. Can we say that shoes from Texas are dumb?
  2. Oh wow, I figured for sure Lupin would have foreseen Albert realizing he switched the gun out and had another idea in place(aside from the bomb), but no, the episode really ended with Albert seemingly winning. Well I guess this early on in the arc they needed to make him at least look like a real challenge for Lupin so I guess it makes sense. And to be fair Lupin seems just fine in the preview so maybe he did forsee things going like this afterall. But that's for next week, this week was another fun and engaging outing, sad death of the old cop with the instant memory aside. I'm right there with Goemon when it comes to cell phone ineptitude. Though I've still never actually owned one. His scene with the kids was pretty cute too. Still no signs of Fujiko or Zenigata, the latter at least is probably gonna get left out of this arc entirely if I had to guess. And uh...yeah, until next week!
  3. Tachibanakan Triangle 8 Lupin III: Part V 8 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 8
  4. Soushin Shoujo Matoi 1 - 12 + OVA(END)
  5. Yeah I just saw a youtuber I regularly watch rant about this. It's funny, I knew they were making another one, but just figured it was for Toonami. Clearly that's not the case. Personally I have no real dog in this fight. Thundercats and He-Man and Transformers and whatnot were just barely before my time. I never watched them and was never gonna watch this. It's pretty obvious they just wanted another Teen Titans Go which, even though I actually was a fan of the original Teen Titans, I also just brushed off easily enough, never watching. I do think it's a bit sad that all the cartoons tend to look so similar lately, but considering I'm an anime enthusiast I can't really harp on this too much. I also couldn't help but remember the prequels with some comments I've read of them "raping" the Thundercats and whatnot. I just wonder if anyone actually working on this series ever bashed the prequels, and if so can see the hypocrisy or maybe irony in it.
  6. Yeah Iida ain't fucking around, as the episode title for next week implies, but will his will be done?
  7. Amanchu! Advance 7
  8. And on that lovely note....it's episode 45 this week, "What a Twist!" adapting chapter 82 - 83 from Volume 10 of the original source manga. The fight is on to rescue Bakugo and Tokoyami! Very nice seeing alotta characters in action, throwing down. Props to Aoyama getting over his fear enough to make a difference. But in the end it wasn't enough. Not that everyone intends to take the loss sitting down or anything. And I gotta say it feels good to see All Might again. It feels like it has been quite awhile. Just oozing that badass aura so naturally, can't wait to see him in action!
  9. My Hero Academia 45
  10. Excluding the big tits succubus sensei. That certainly wasn't the only thing you wanna do to her....
  11. Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii 1 - 6 And that's that, caught up with my "6 and 6" shows for this season. There were actually a couple more I planned to watch that I decided to either put off or drop entirely for one reason or another, and there are still other shows airing this season, like FMP Season 4 or Last Period that I'm keeping on my watching list but am not actually gonna watch anytime soon. I'm sure I'll get around to them eventually, but this is enough for now. Now to dig into my backlog a little more...
  12. Hinamatsuri 7 Toji no Miko 19
  13. Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 7
  14. Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! 1 - 5
  15. Isekai Izakaya Nobu 1 - 6
  16. Wow that was actually a pretty engrossing setup episode for this second arc. Felt like I was watching a movie. A spy thriller or heist film blend or something to that effect. Nice to get a Lupin/Jigen centric outing too. (I'm not counting disguised Lupin as a Fujiko appearance.) Definitely excited to see where this goes next, but I really couldn't even venture a guess at this point.
  17. Tachibanakan Triangle 7 Lupin III: Part V 7 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 7
  18. Fumikiri Jikan 1 - 6
  19. Golden Kamuy 6 Well I'm 6 episodes in to everything I'm watching weekly this season now, so time to catch up on my "6 and 6" shows for this season where I wait and watch them in(roughly) 2 6 episode chunks!
  20. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 17
  21. Deku was in constant stress mode, and running around for so long with those injuries like it was nothing he gave off a Rambo-esque vibe to me. Even though he was actually being carried through it the whole time, literally via Shoji taxi.
  22. Amanchu! Advance 6
  23. Just me now apparently, but that's okay. We've got "Roaring Upheaval" this week, the 44th episode overall covering the rest of Chapter 79 through 80 to finish off Volume 9 of the original source manga, as well as 81 from Volume 10. Dark Shadow is on the rampage! But that's alright, cause I love the way Deku thinks when asked to choose between helping Tokoyami or Bakugo: do both! It Is the true hero's response after all. And it's pretty convenient in some respects, such as Dark Shadow taking care of that freak Moonfish. And Bakugo and Todoroki are probably the best two candidates to help a rampaging shadow quirk what with their own rather flashy ones to counter it. Also nice to see Uraraka showing off some moves she learned during her internship against Toga. She didn't get away unscathed though, and Toga certainly left a...disturbing impression. But when things seem to be going so well Bakugo's fate becomes even more endangered. Save him Midoriya! Well I guess I should say everyone because it really has been a team effort so far. Shoji, Todoroki, Uraraka, Momo, etc..., but now that everyone is gathering together we're no doubt in for one crazy scramble!
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