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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. TOM and Sara tend to just make banter. I would imagine they'll say something about how neat it would be to live with a dinosaur. Primal has plenty of stuff for them to comment on.
  2. How about buying time for whatever will replace SAO in February? If that particular show is Attack on Titan, the extra week would probably be helpful though maybe not necessary since starting it in February gives them a good buffer to begin with. I do rather hope they don't run a marathon on December 19th. I can agree with doing one on the 26th but the 19th is many days away from Christmas and there's less reason than ever to be concerned with people traveling several days around Christmas.
  3. Now that it looks like Adult Swim is having several marathons specifically to promote HBO Max as part of WarnerMedia's big Thanksgiving weekend push for HBO Max, I'd say my theory has a lot of merrit. Originally Primal was going to have a marathon that Sunday, just 5 episodes. Now it will have a marathon on Toonami for all 10 episodes. Sunday will now be an ATHF marathon. In order to include Toonami in this push they would have to use a show that's also on HBO Max, ergo Primal. Though they could have used Samurai Jack if Primal was an absolute no go for Toonami.
  4. Hopefully it's performance that weekend (which probably wont be that negatively affected by the holiday) compared to how it's done on Sunday lately will show Mr. Tartakovsky that Toonami isn't a bad place for his action dramas at all.
  5. Given this is being used to promote HBO Max, I wouldn't be surprised if business dad told Genndy that Primal will air on Toonami that night and there's nothing he can say to stop it. Fun fact: The first time Cartoon Network allowed Samurai Jack to air on Toonami was also as a marathon back on Saturday December 28th 2002. Jack didn't get to air on weekday Toonami until Fall of 2003.
  6. Clever word play and sight gags. The lime tangent. The unusual choice of having Keith plug up Makasu’s urethra. That’s oddly specific so it gets more of laugh from me than if he stuck his tongue up his nose or mouth or ass.
  7. There's a few handsome fellas in the cast (who are not teenagers).
  8. They played the melodrama about Josie very straight and while it's a fine lesson about empathy it mostly felt preachy. There were a handful of good gags and word play but I didn't like these two episodes as much as the first two.
  9. I have broad tastes Ben. I don't need drugs or alcohol to watch dry comedies. That said, I didn't like episodes 3 and 4 as much as the first two.
  10. Yeah, Pre-Flight is mainly a casualty of all the streaming shows getting canned. And man... I'm really feeling blue about the streaming crew getting shit canned. They even fired Matt Harigan. He's been with WS since Space Ghost.
  11. Better late than never. I'm looking forward to some giant robot action on Toonami in the new year! This is about as surprising as Ass Class. Nice to see a couple older but still newish series in the mix. That proves that Food Wars wasn't a fluke. Really feels like they're gonna need some extra space for all the sequel seasons they could get next year and it does make me a little worried they won't make the space. I'll have faith that they'll make it work at least for now.
  12. They have cute designs but they are teenagers and I am in my 30s, so these are not my waifus.
  13. About a 0.04 drop from Ass Class into Death Beats. Oooph. I wonder how it did on Sunday.
  14. Bebop has reran on Toonami numerous times but much like Batman: TAS back in the day, it is a fantastic show that just happened to air on Toonami for a while but isn’t particularly known for being a Toonami show. I have no issue with either being considered the best Toonami show but at the same time it’s hard for me to think of them as Toonami shows. At the very least I don’t see either as significant shows for Toonami the way DBZ, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Naruto and Attack on Titan are. Bebop is undeniably the most important show for ASA along with InuYasha, FLCL, FMA, Big O and GITS. And it’s becoming more and more common for people to refer to ASA as Toonami. And that’s kind of a shame for ASA and its significance to the industry in the 2000s but because Toonami replaced ASA, that timeline tends to get muddled. So it’s whatever. I’m glad Bebop beat DBZ. It’s the better show.
  15. I'll check this to streaming version when I get the chance. I don't think it was any different from the streaming version.
  16. I love the word play of Anubass and CerberBASS. Keith being a jerk to Makasu reminds me of how Pikachu was initially a jerk to Ash in Pokemon. So far this still has the comedic sensibilities of the Machu PIcchu arc but with better art and more animation. And no guys that's not Jason as the episode preview announcer.
  17. I'd say it's between Bebop and FLCL Classic for the best overall executed series to have aired on Toonami thus far. I don't think anything is "perfect" but those two come pretty dang close.
  18. They actually probably do think its a fine fit for Toonami, in the "weird stuff" category like Pop Team Epic and Ballmastrz. And I quite enjoyed the first two episodes of this season.
  19. So it comes down to Bebop vs DBZ. As I said on the stream, I see Bebop taking it. Bebop has powered through Attack on Titan, One-Punch Man, Hunter x Hunter and even My Hero Academia. So it can probably beat DBZ as well. DBZ almost lost to JoJo and only won by 2 votes. In the end I only got about 34 correct. I should have had a lot more faith in HxH when it went up against DBS and should have believed Dr. Stone could beat SAO. Well it's been fun.
  20. I'm a bit surprised to see Bebop beat MHA and given how DBZ has had some close wins, I think Bebop will probably take it.
  21. Max is a big weeb but he’s told me Death Beat(s) won’t rely on referential humor. He actually feels the parodies in season 1 were the parts he likes the least. I get the impression that he’s aiming to make something more like Venture Bros but with a greater emphasis on continuity. The season will tell a complete story and each episode will be like a level in a video game. Death Beat(s) will be a hell journey for Makasu, kinda like Kratos in God of War. And it seems like people and gods he killed over the years will get their chance for revenge. Considering Makasu is such a dick, he has plenty of soul searching to do.
  22. I know several of you are on the fence or straight up don't want this show on Toonami but I implore you to listen to this conversation I had with Max.
  23. WE CAN HOPE. If we end up with CR's licenses getting pushed exclusively to FUNimation's apps, it's gonna suck real bad. Also if this leads to CR's international licenses in non-North American territories being underutilized, a whole lot of people in other regions will have even more reasons to justify piracy.
  24. 1 minute Gemusetto: Death Beat(s) promo, the art style is definitely better than the first season.
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