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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Sure but if it did that well with traditional ratings, it’s pretty likely people were also tuning in using slim packages, the AS app, etc along with DVR. HBO Max is in less homes than Adult Swim is.
  2. It’s at least a good argument to air Harley Quinn on Toonami normally but I don’t see it as proof that old DC cartoons would do better than some newer anime.
  3. A Japanese director for a live-action manga adaptation? What a novel concept. I kind of hope this gets made. But on the other hand.... Sky High already exists.
  4. Kind of a shame the Voltron toys didn't sell, they looked pretty good compared to other stuff on the market. The Young Justice and ThunderCats 2011 toys from Mattel and Bandai respectively were very poor quality. I think the first two arcs of Infinity Train told worthwhile messages for young people to see. The third one I dunno and the fourth one was straight up spoke to the young adult experience which I appreciated but it's not something I'd aim at children. So part of me thinks Infinity Train should target older viewers but I also see potential for it as youth targeted series. The creator clearly wants to focus on older viewers though so I'm fine with that.
  5. Hell yeah, remake Centurions! Pirates of Dark Water and that SWAT Kats revival too!
  6. WarnerMedia is paying. We’ll see about who writes them.
  7. Most of those started as light novels without a lot of illustrations. Some even as web novels. And the illustrations are often done by people who aren’t the author. Those stories feed into the desire to escape every day life so the readers can insert themselves into that other world. It’s basically a writing cheat and boy does it sell.
  8. There was a time when I was sure that MHA would have been bigger for Toonami if they got it back in 2016 or even 2017. It most likely would have done One-Punch Man season 1 level ratings back then but I am not so sure if MHA would be any more popular for it. And I’m pretty sure it would not be doing better on Toonami right now than it already is due to a number of factors. Demon Slayer is a huge hit but that didn’t translate to significant success on Toonami. Attack on Titan is still very successful on streaming but the Toonami audience clearly decreased over the years. JoJo and One Piece did okay on Toonami but they are much more popular outside of Toonami. Just about every shounen is more successful outside of Toonami. But truthfully we have no idea what kind of reach Toonami still has. It’s probably wider than traditional ratings indicate. And as much as I’d like Toonami to be a bigger deal, it’s more than good enough that it stays on the air and it plays some good shows. What excites me most about DeMarco’s new gig is that there will be more action animation and anime produced that probably would not have been made otherwise. Everything else that’s on Toonami was already going to exist and find an audience somewhere. It’s just nice that Toonami could also show them and maybe expand the visibility of the lesser known ones.
  9. That's referring to the way kid-targeted anime dubs abhor silence and avoid any real tension. Excellent case, 4Kids One Piece. Any instance of silence gone. Some happy go lucky music constantly playing even when it doesn't fit. Nami stabbed Usopp in front of Arlong to prove her loyalty? She tells Usopp and the audience that it was a rubber knife. Nami's mother figure didn't die, she just got sent to a dungeon (but was apparently never visited). Crocodile refers to his sand pit that is about to swallow up Luffy as a "big desert toilet". They make "Zolo" crack wise and cluck like a chicken. One Piece isn't always serious but good grief part of the charm is it has the heavy moments to go with the light ones. With 4Kids it's pretty much always goofy. But the same is also true of Falcouner era DBZ at least with regard to silence, they allowed DBZ to be plenty serious. Hell, they tried to make it MORE serious given the comparison of Falcouner music and Kikuchi's original score.
  10. I do generally prefer dubs to not use very recent slang especially if the show isn't in a modern setting and referencing GamerGate was particularly stupid. That said, particularly with comedies I think some creative liberties greatly improve characterization and dialogue flow. Stiff dubs are pretty unpleasant to sit through as well. But when even the subtitles throw in terms like "they got cancelled online" (and the otherwise great sub of Kageki Shoujo did exactly that) it's at least a bit off-putting and feels out of place even in a modern setting. That could easily have been something less meme-y and they didn't even have to deal with lip flaps. But rest assured a LOT of people who scream at the top of their lungs that FUNimation is ruining anime are mostly mad because FUNimation won't work with Vic McNugget anymore and have a hate boner for Jamie Marchi who often wrote scripts for FUNimation dubs and of course Monica Rial.
  11. You don’t have to imagine very hard, several existed. Rescue Heroes, Marvel Super Hero Squad, PJ Masks, Transformers Rescue Bots and Krypto the Superdog are some examples. WB is currently developing a Batmobile cartoon for CN’s upcoming preschool block.
  12. Interesting tidbit. He’s gonna develop action animation for every age group including kids. Kids could certainly use some fresh action cartoons. For him that’s coming full circle from the CN Toonami days.
  13. The news actually broke on Deadline, I think. So WB Aimation is starting a division specifically for action animation and anime. The co-creator and current producer of Toonami will be running it. This is like something out of a dream for me. I cannot wait to see what this new division brings to the world of animation. Jason will even be involved in DC projects. Perhaps Toonami’s best days are yet to come.
  14. Sony's press release mentions they intend to offer anime in all the places people consume it including linear tv. Toonami is the only game in that arena. My best guess is this either changes nothing or Crunchyroll shows become a bit easier to get than they were when WarnerMedia was overseeing their business transactions. We all know how ass-backwards WarnerMedia can operate. I'm really hoping it was their influence that made Crunchyroll so difficult to get shows from. FUNimation, Aniplex and Sony have all done more business with Adult Swim than Crunchyroll has. I'm real curious what will become of the Crunchyroll section of HBO Max. Will it add be removed, get rebranded or perhaps get an infusion of FUNimation anime take on whatever name the unified streaming service goes by. And hell if this actually meant all future FUNimation, Anipex and Crunchyroll licenses were off the table, there could do worse than to dig into Sentai's catalogue. I really don't think they're going to be desperate for content, at least not more so than they are from Netflix getting big shounen anime left and right. I honestly expect this to be a net positive for Toonami itself but looking at the broader picture its probably terrible for anime streaming outside of the US, piracy is sure to see an increase.
  15. Normally Netflix takes their sweet time streaming shows after they broadcasted in Japan so I'm glad to see they are going to stream Stone Ocean before it even starts broadcasting in Japan. It's not simulcasting week to week but in some ways its better than that. Even better if they stream it dubbed on day one. I wouldn't worry about dub inconsistences, the Rohan OVAs only recast Rohan for reasons unrelated to who was in charge of dubbing it (it was still BangZoom). Matt Mercer will surely return as Jotaro and the dub will probably be handled by BangZoom like the rest. Pour one out for JoJo on Toonami. The way Part 5 held DBS reruns pretty well had me thinking JoJo could have a promising future on Toonami but alas Toonami can't outbid Netflix. I just hope Viz can still release Stone Ocean and the Rohan OVAs on home video some day or that at least someone will.
  16. It is but that movie could also be summed up as “Harrison Ford gets his ass kicked for two hours”. It had plenty of action and characters doing flips.
  17. That person has no idea what they are talking about. So much is changing at Adult Swim and the expectations for ratings are vastly different these days.
  18. Elle looks a lot like the film version of Alita so I understand the comparisons.
  19. Blade Runner as a franchise never did well in theaters, though that's not saying much since it only had two movies in theaters. It did however do decently well on home video and developed a lot of nerd cred over the years as subsequent rereleases of the original film were made to get closer to Ridley Scott's vision. The Final Cut apparently wasn't even made until 25 years after the original film but even that original film which bombed against E.T. in theaters went on to influence countless sci-fi properties and particularly anime like Ghost in the Shell and Bubblegum Crisis. Both films have a lot more critical acclaim than box office success but have reached a decently wide audience through home video and good word of mouth. I'd say throwing money at a Blade Runner anime at least makes more sense than banking on Schenmue or Uzumaki but not by much. I think they're trying to appeal to sci-fi fans and existing fans of the franchise while not straight up alienating their core demographic which mostly likes shounen fantasy anime. To be fair, Ghost in the Shell did well for Adult Swim for many years and while it's been over 15 years since GITS SAC premiered its been able to rerun on the backend with moderate success from time to time. I think a brand new cyberpunk anime could potentially do well for Toonami and it probably doesn't hurt that it's set in the universe of a existing franchise. At least I hope it doesn't. It is not likely essential to watch the original film or the sequel to enjoy Blade Runner: Black Lotus so I hope the fact that it is set in that universe doesn't make viewers avoid it. This is certainly a gamble but nothing ventured nothing gained, as they say. At the very least it will be a dub that is exclusive to Toonami and Toonami probably gets to show it (any version) before any other network or service in the world.
  20. Many have argued it's stranger for Rick & Morty anime shorts to premiere on Toonami but I'm okay with it one way or the other. This one will encore the same Saturday as the Harley Quinn marathon but it will do so in prime time.
  21. They probably reached out to Adult Swim or maybe DeMarco directly because they were aware that AS aired animated music videos.
  22. It’s pretty good looking CG, so I’m a lot less worried now. That recent GITS by the same guys had me really concerned how this would turn out. Story seems interesting enough. I’m all the more excited to see this.
  23. Wearing a mask has help make my allergies quite a bit more tolerable this year. So that’s nice.
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