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Killa Ounze

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Everything posted by Killa Ounze

  1. Retails not bad. Been doing fast food as a part/full time job depending how busy the wrestling scene is in WI for a couple years now. Like now we are dead and I'm going back to work Monday or Tuesday(forgot what the text said). When this pandemic is done I'm going for a job as a gas station clerk. Same pay, way less busting my hump and being stressed daily because I'm basically management without the shirt atm I wouldn't jump to national guard quite yet bahd. How long have you been out of work???
  2. Get??? Already way ahead of you... . What kind of soup will it be???
  3. Not trying to dish, but what if we ran away with the spoon? I can not afford to get pregnant right now.
  4. Pork chop with a spoon... cereal with a knife is a sign of severe mental illness. I'm not that crazy.
  5. Nice, how'd the interview go???
  6. I only made it a minute in to the song myself but I felt this was an appropriate response.
  7. Yeah it's been a min, but I can't kick the habit I guess. I first started using in 2004, thanks to [adultswim] and I've been using message boards off and on ever since. I'm sick and you people are the enablers!!! Anyways, in all seriousness. I'm glad to be back. I don't mean to get high and just sort of wonder off like a human Towelie but I do that a lot with almost everything in life. From a couple jobs where I was on break then got high and was like, "you know, I would rather be anywhere else right and do anything besides this" then just up and go on an adventure(been fired a few times for just bailing like that but no regerts). I've also panicked the promoter at a few pro-wrestling events now because I decided to go get high quick, and then ended up wondering around whatever town we're in for an hour or two making it back about 5 minutes before the bell rings lol
  8. Sounds magically delicious.
  9. Sadly I'm basically doing what I do most of the time. Playing video games, watching tv, exercising a bit, and spending an average of 2-4 hours a day on my phone or computer.
  10. That makes sense, I was worried you got some of the stuff broke down with the vitamin e acetate. Sounds like you'll be fine though
  11. Well that's a big of a relief, hopefully you feel better asap. I wasn't even think about the corona, good call. I think I literally got so high last night for the first time in weeks I forgot we were in a pandemic 🤔
  12. While we're on the topic of outdated pointless youtube videos have you seen this yet? I think it's going to be annoyingly huge for a while.
  13. Only in my mind, but if it counts I'm also completely naked under my clothes.
  14. Oh that's trey fly home slice. That's hip right?
  15. That it would be burned from my memory. That it would be burned from her memory and since I got one left over I guess I'll take hold of the majority shares of whatever the top medical/recreational marijuana distributor is at the moment.
  16. Oh wow Rogue, nice mod badge here buddy. I was going to say it can't be me I'm new... but I was just thinking about how I'm nude... neither of those are true. Sorry for any unpleasant mental imagery that may of caused. I said it for the lulz So how have you been??? How has it been here???
  17. Why not, I'll squeeze my ugly mug in here.
  18. Still a champ in my book bahd. I've had it happen, it sucks, but there's plenty of jobs out there. Sucks when you lose a good one, but you'll find another that either won't test hair follicles like dicks, or you'll know enough to clean up next time around the temp-full time switch is near.
  19. Knock it off with the knock-off cartridges poofy! I mean I love toking and vaping as much anybody ever in the hysterectomy of humanity, but if it's not from someone you know and trust or a dispensary don't risk it. I'm sure someone else suggested to go in if you don't feel better. Nobody wants a dead poof. I know I don't. It did remind me I've been off two weeks because I spent a Saturday out all night drinking, bar hopping, and place hopping and smoked a lot of cigs and crap while I was out. I had a minor cough on Monday so my store manage laid me off two weeks. Like instantly I have the corona virus because I have some bad habbits for 31.
  20. It's getting warmer out, I got a car you can sleep in. It's not running right now, but if you get it fixed it's yours.
  21. plenty of pointless memes, obscure references, and youtube clips. For what it's worth I missed you guys, meant to check back in sooner, but crazy year or two. Anything happening in the news???
  22. The same place all lost socks, lighters, and pens go.
  23. Yeah i haven't been able to wrap my head around him apologizing for that vasectomy joke either. One way or another it's a bad omen.
  24. Same. Then when I am single I can't get a woman's attention to save my life it seems. Although my luck has picked up a bit recently. It just took wasting a month moping about my ex, then wasting another 3 months on a rebound, and another 2 months... to learn I am pretty content single... okay now it's makes sense. Now I don't want a relationship, so I'm going to end up in one because I'm getting attention, then next comes feelings if I'm not careful. Fucking cosmic laws.
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