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Everything posted by zombieninjakitten

  1. I have to admit the Nicholas Cage picture made me burst out laughing.
  2. I’m so huge @katt_goddess barely knows what to do!
  3. I’m fat but I have no butt. I see fat chicks and dudes and they usually have nice, big booties. But, I got the shaft. Why can’t I have a big old ghetto bootie? My just a flat nothing.
  4. *sprinkles you with some ‘nip* Now roll over and let me scratch your tummy! 😝
  5. Or just one of the best songs ever written in general.
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  6. I bought some organic catnip at the Fargo version of Whole Foods. Does kitty cat want some?
  7. Fat has nothing to do with whether someone is attractive or not Mr. 😎
  8. @Ric I bet you’re hot af!
  9. That’s a good question. I’m not sure if that’s even a thing. *scratches head*
  10. Actually, ever since I got these fucking bifocals I can’t see a fucking thing. And yes, I know you’re not really a raccoon. I was trying to get a rise out of you boring old straight dude.
  11. Oh hush you! You’re still my little Rocky the Raccoon!
  12. Looking through the Post A Picture thread here I've come to the conclusion that for a bunch of nerds all of you are pretty hawt af! lol
  13. I shop at Dollar Tree and buy most of my personal items there and a lot groceries, pet food, cleaning supplies, etc. I’m poor so Dollar Tree is kind of an economic oasis for me.
  14. No, no, no, people with mental illness must get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep even if they’re taking their meds. Your circadian rhythm affects your brain’s inhibition and reuptake of ,neonephedrine, serotonin, and gaba. Don’t put your mind through that torture. 💕🤓
  15. I checked out this movie from the library and watched it today. I’m not sure how I feel or think about it. It’s a good film but...I guess I was just expecting more from Spike Lee. It’s definitely not his best film and the only thing that saves the movie, in my opinion, is Jordan Peele. Anyway, maybe I’ll watch it again. Any other insights or opinions regarding this film?
  16. Another hawt dude that’s too young for me! 😝
  17. Absolutely adorable! How did I miss this!? lol
  18. This me and my beautiful mom. We were just being goofy after we went for ice cream at McDonalds a couple of days ago. She has congestive heart failure but she was feeling good that day and we were acting like two dorks. lol
  19. You’re hawt. I’m 44 so is legal enough. I’m a bit of a cougar so watch out. Jk you’re safe. 😎
  20. All I can do is cry 😢 because I will probably never be able to play this game.
  21. Well, I have an illness that basically stamps me with an expiration date of 5 to 7 years. I’m 44 years old now. I’m not angst ridden about it at all so I’m not trying to be morbid. It is what it is so I just want to enjoy life as best as I can and live for each moment. Carpe diem!!!
  22. Nothing wrong with audiobooks especially when they’re read by the author.
  23. It’s 91 degrees in Fargo and I’m dying. To make matters worse my fan isn’t working properly. I honestly do hate summer which I know is not a popular view. Sunshine, heat, bugs, it’s all deadly to me. I’m literally dying.
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