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Everything posted by zombieninjakitten

  1. You’re “chunk” is sexy. Wanna grab a coffee?
  2. Waiting for my effing 🍕 pizza after shopping spree at Barnes and Noble! I rented The Predator and Boo from Red box so looking forward to a chill evening.
  3. Quake 2, Nightmare Creatures
  4. Hey, you like free and discounted ebooks you really should sign up for a BookBub.com account/mailing list. They don’t spam (you choose how often you receive emails) and they only send deals from genres you select. Another good website/mailing list is ManyBooks.net. Both send just about all ebook formats: Kindle, Nook, Kobo, ePub, pdf, .text, etc.
  5. ( . )( . ) Double D’s We go hard or we go home.
  6. I don’t think that is something to brag about dear.
  7. Honestly I don’t have one. I only care about personality, intelligence, sense of humor.
  8. My profile: Hi, I’m Dylan, a 44 year old old punk rocker, bibliophile, genderqueer pansexual nerd with a love of video games, graphic novels, anime, manga, vintage mystery novels, fancy, overpriced coffee, tea, horror movies, cats, dogs, thrift stores, etc.
  9. Well, we need to start a new trend!
  10. *sigh* My profile explains that I’m Pansexual hon.
  11. I met a gorgeous black guy at the library today. He’s 42, divorced, has two daughters, studying to be a minister (no, he’s not one of those crazy, psycho type of Christians) but is studying African tribal shamanism, is very intelligent, and smells good. lol. But seriously, I get a good vibe from him so I think I might meet him for coffee. Anyway, just wanted to share my good day with you guys.:)
  12. @midnight @discolemonade that's not what y'all said the other night when I massaged your assholes.
  13. I’d fuck me oh yeah I’d fuck me.
  14. You’re always busting my balls. I think you’re flirting with me.
  15. I have an illness that kinda puts my expiration date at 50 to 55 so, yeah, YOLO or whatever the kids say. And with that I have probably killed this thread twice over.
  16. Well, I think nerdy dudes are hot so... Again, humor.
  17. Greeny, I’m on Ritalin, nicotine, and 6 shots of espresso in my latte. If I was any “lighter” I’d be walking on water. 👽🤖😵
  18. Well yeah but...oh I don’t know...humanity has failed me again.
  19. The humor and satire of this post has been so quickly overlooked that I fear “toxic masculinity“ really is a “thing.” *face palm* *face palm really hard*
  20. When will these be released on DVD?
  21. Aw, you’re so pretty I’m jealous!
  22. I think these would look good on a lot of the guys here. https://innerstrengthzone.com/useful-tips/lace-shorts-for-men-are-the-latest-trend-summer/?utm_source=bc01
  23. I’m here to fulfill al of your cat girl fantasies! lol. But seriously, woke up in a better mood today and actually put on make up. I don’t know why just felt like it.
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