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Everything posted by zombieninjakitten

  1. I quite enjoy hanging out on Pinterest! I can look at dog and cat memes along with a billion other things that I’m interested in and I don’t have to be on Facebook which I’ve come to loathe. I’m not really into cooking recipes or arts and crafts type stuff but I’ve found some cool DIY skincare recipes and stuff. Are there any other Pinterest fans here? What do you like to pin?
  2. @PhilosipherStoned honey, you really can’t take anything I say literally. Even Katt never knows when I’m joking or not and we’ve been friends for 25 + years. Oh, and that energy drink sounds nightmarish. Lol
  3. Hmm...good question. I don’t know. I grew up here but I live with my elderly, disabled mom and she’s from Mississippi. Perhaps I’ve picked up some of her accent?
  4. In case the other title wasn’t allowed in this particular forum.
  5. Well, how could he when he was the one holding the camera? I mean, I think he was. I don’t know now. My head hurts. LIFE IS TOO CONFUSING!!!
  6. Awww shucks, I’m glad it made your day! Katt has kept me chained up in her closet for the past 25 years but I finally managed to get out of the straight jacket and chains and spit out the ball gag. Good thing too because she totally forgot I was in there and I really had to pee.
  7. But Quake and Doom...the only FPS’s ya need!
  8. Ooooh, a nicotine infused latte...now that would be interesting!
  9. LOL The mental image I’m having is killing me!
  10. Well, my goals were to make people laugh and show people that I’m a real person and not just an avatar. Glad I made you smile!
  11. Well, that’s not very nice. Sheesh.
  12. A fellow Hellsing fan!!! We MUST become friends! 🤓😎😜
  13. lol Is that a good thing or a bad thing? @crackymckrackin Either I’m glad to hear it!
  14. Gotcha. I’m new at this so bear with me.
  15. I hope this works! 😎😝🤓
  16. I think I’m really looking my age in this photo. I have wrinkles under my eyes, sallow skin, grey hairs popping up. I look tired. I hate my glasses which are bifocals and I can’t see any better plus the frames are just ugly. I have turkey neck. Ugh. Hideous.
  17. Oh, this was not chill. This was the portrait of a person with zero fucks to give and I gave everyone one of them.
  18. I played Quake 4 and consistently had my ass handed to me on a platter. I’m finished. Done. Over. I ordered a quadruple shot latte at Starbucks today. That’s right. I’ll take you down with me! All you fuckers! I live on nicotine and despair! The Strogg will never get me! I’m buuuuuurrrrrnnnniiiinnnggg!
  19. Ghost Hunt which is pretty cool. You guys should definitely check it out!
  20. When you hear The Cure elevator muzak.
  21. 1. The Avengers: Infinity War 2. Thor: Ragnorok 3. Doctor Strange 4. Captain America: Winter Soldier 5: The Avengers Wow! That was really hard!
  22. Katt and I hanging at Starbucks today. She told me to do the duck lips 👄 and that’s her arm. She’s always a lady of mystery.
  23. You don’t remember the conversation we had?
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