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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. I read the entire article. Both the things you claimed were in there weren't.* As far as signatures, thats another thing the AI remembers, that people sign their work and where people sign their work. The robot isnt signing a name, its recognizing a pattern. No original image has not been removed, copied, or modified in any way, an entirely new image has been generated. The image contains a squigly line in the bottom right corner because the AI saw a pattern of pixels in the noise that it generated that looked like it belonged there. *the article writer did call people working with AI artists, which i disagree with too, so take that up with them.
  2. NVIDIA has just birthed a new AI. Good stuff.
  3. Oh shit, that actually brings up another fun fact about the AI- its words are almost always fucked up, but there's a high degree of internal constisancy. Similar to the way the article states that it's like a parallel creativity or something, its got its own parallel language it built too.
  4. Nobody's using prompts to alter a specific image, the article states that people are generating their own images that seem to show this scary lady (its a really clickbaity title and the whole article is really only focussed on one dude's twitter so lets take that claim with a grain of salt anyways). What that means is that one of the connections in the AI black box seems to have labeled that particular scary lady concept "loab" and will generate what it thinks a "loab" looks like just the same as if someone asked for something labeled "duck". This is the only sentence in the article that has anything to do with how the AI collects information for its images.
  5. Listen if you're not going to accept that the intetplay between man and machine can create something greater than the sum of its parts then we're stuck. Its the freaking spirit of the radio man.
  6. AI isn't an artist. Neither is the human using it. Bread isn't a sandwich. Neither is peanut butter. But there you go.
  7. Being an arborist, everyone expects me to solve all their tree issues in my free time. Just the other week this guy I know starts asking me about difficulties he was having with this thousand-year old tree the druids held sacred. I stop him and say "buddy that sounds like a yew problem."
  8. And to tie it all back to Mass Effect... So I can't find the clip to confirm, but if I recall correctly the Star Child explains something like- biological life keeps creating synthetics because we strive for technical "perfection", whereas synthetic life keeps taking over and killing everyone because they strive for an understanding of what y'all'ed consider a soul. Put that shit together and it's like chocolate and peanut butter except I don't like chocolate and peanut butter.
  9. I mean, can a synthesizer feel emotion?
  10. I'd argue again that the collaboration results in the gestalt. Two entities which, in and of themselves, lack a particular part of the equation that the other makes up for. The father doesn't have the abilty to gestate, the mother doesn't have the ability to fertilize. A bit of a skewed metaphor, but it creates art nonetheless.
  11. You'd need a lot more data to create a sufficient neural network. It doesn't just rely on pictures, it replies on descriptions, discussions, analysis, the tone in which those discussions and analyses are presented. It knows the difference between someone describing an image that makes them angry because of its inherent message versus an image that makes them angry due to lack of quality, etc. And all of those things would fall under the secondary inspiration images. As far as prompt work I'd say you can do a decent job of describing emotions through text. I mean that's a lot of what we do as humans.
  12. Woohoo I'm right. Agree to a point, it's an interesting tool, honestly I'd say it's best utility for an artist would be solidifying inspiration. And I'll agree with that first statement pretty well. Collaboration is, I think the operational word here. You bring the inspiration and emotion, AI provides technical skill. I don't care if anyone wants to supplant or replace any of their own manual work. It's their work. Folks selling AI generated images? I mean, I've seen AI images I'd really like to put on my wall. Would it be ethical of me to just download and print off the picture? Fuck, I don't know. You know what I saw one time? This business- you send them $50 and a picture of your dog and they photoshop their heads onto one of five historical portraits and mail you the print. Shit I don't know how to feel about that one either. Scrolled though quickly before I jumped into the argument, saw scoob saying I was right, saw you calling AI a buzzword. Goddamn ain't that the truth. I have no idea what that tweet means, NFTs are just so goddamn stupid and those crypto goobers are just... goobers.
  13. Let's take this abstract idea of a duck and replace it with a concrete example. Anime fan art. Man, love me some Bleach. Really love the way Tite Kubo draws, his line style, alladat. Made this picture. Looks almost exactly like official artwork. Tite Kubo comes up and says "hey, that looks exactly like my art." I say "thanks, I tried to copy your style exactly." Tite Kubo say "neat. you uh, gonna draw her naked now?" (Jesus christ, 2 new replies so far and I haven't even got to the first two. Gonna be here all day again) People have been replicating images they liked since we were first able to replicate images. Varying degrees of success. Some fan art will look like hot garbage, some of it legitimately would be indiscernible from the original. It's been fine so far without anyone straight-up calling it theft. I don't know, do you think fan art is theft? I mean I suppose inherently it is using copyrighted characters, so case closed I guess? Well shit. Suppose it isn't though. Suppose there's some loophole. I didn't exactly "trace" it, I saw the character, studied your work, then created a new image of your work in as close a style as I could replicate. The image, though pretty-well indistinguishable from your work (except the hands, always fuck up the hands ) came from my head and my hand. Right? Well, I mean that's literally how the AI works too. There are two qualifications for this argument. 1. The original image is not saved or stored perfectly within the mind - Your memory is not photographic. Your mind works as a series of densely connected concepts you've garnered throughout your experience. It's a black box and you can't see the individual connections, but the gestalt of them make up the thought. That's how the AI was built too. (fuck three replies. gotta be brief) 2. The output image originated from an entirely unique point and the results came about through your own actions - The AI doesn't go out onto the internet, find a picture to use as a base, and modify it from there. That would take for-fucking ever. The AI also does not have a database of stored images to pull from and then modify. That would take for-fucking ever and require storage like you wouldn't believe- literally the internet's worth of pictures. AI takes its tangled concept web and generates an image-static seed. This random combination of pixels exists nowhere else on earth. Using its concept web, the AI looks for patterns in the static that reflect the thoughts and ideas presented. It then refines the pixels around those outline pixels to create the final image. Yes, the AI inherently sees an image not produced by someone else and posted on the internet- the seed image it projects onto.
  14. Ok, so, I have to be brief today because this is my last chance to start my next batch of alcohol before the end of the year. Hang on, first off I just made this and thought it was funny.
  15. Biden is afraid of the Secret Service. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-secret-service-major-dog-bite-b2252099.html
  16. All right, so... there's prolly a "gotcha" I'm walking into with this, but sure- I'll post something I used AI to generate. And I'll use a good one instead of just typing "deez nuts" into the prompt bar. But goddamn it was a close call. So, I'll give you the whole story first I suppose. One day I saw a youtube video of some people taking an egg, encasing it in plastic resin, letting it sit for a few months, then cutting that motherfucker open to see what it do. Pretty interesting. I get this thought in my head one day... what about a space man? Y'ever see that episode of Futurama where Bender gets shot out into space and ends up being a god to a race of tiny people that grew a society on him? Well what about that, only darker. There's this line I like in a Manson song of the Mechanical Animals album, about being a dead astronaut in space. Like... space man dies out there, floats off forever. Millions of years go bye and the soup he rotted into becomes the primordial stew for another race of microscopic alien beings existing wholly within the universe of his space suit... Fun to think about that. Actually that thought sticks in my head for a couple weeks. I mean it's not exactly an original idea I'm sure, but it popped into my head, I enjoy it... I figure I should try to maybe do something with it. Can't art for shit anymore. Loved to in high school, was never honestly any good, but loved it. Arted a bit during lockdown, and I mean it was ok. I mean I was still terrible- actually honestly I'd say I drew exactly as well now as I did in the past- but I mean... just wasn't feeling it. Started brewing my own alcohol instead, man that was an incredibly good decision on my part. Anyways, I toss a couple sentences into my "novel ideas" word file, give it a few notes on some rough structure, protagonists, antagonists... Figure if we ever have another writing contest I adapt that story, but honestly I'd probably never have the chance to make it a point to sit down and write the story out otherwise. Still it's a fun idea, and I'm glad I got it out into words. This was all happening around the time that the general public was first being allowed access to the AI, prior to that it was an entirely academic sphere. I figure, shit, put my name in the hat, see what happens. Like some real Charlie and the Chocolate factory vibes going on here. Eventually I get in, and after I use the AI to generate a couple leprechauns on acid (literally typed the first thing that came to my head when I got on. So excited.), I remember that story idea I had. Man, how the fuck you even sum that idea up in a single image, much less a string of words to describe that image? Man, this is gonna be a big ol' thinking session..... ... ....... ... ....... Aight. I got it. Rough idea in my head of what image direction I want to go with. Now to put that shit to words. Knock out the easy stuff, the type of composition, the context the image is in, the framing of the image, lighting, color saturation (I like it. a lot.), any other particular effects on the image... get into describing what the image actually depicts. Detailed as I can be. Scoob baby you know I can paint a room with words. Hammering it on home. How does the image make you feel? Disturbed? Hopeful? Melancholic? Forbodin-er..forboded? I really wanted there to be a distinction between light and dark, like the land in the sunlight of the spaceman's mask is this bright glistening city, but there's real darkness lurking down in the bones of the suit, or something like that. So I end up typing up like a paragraph and a half into this thing, and excitedly hit the button. What happens now is very exciting. The AI reads what I am describing and uses its own neural network to form in its own mind a rough image of what I was describing. This is where I'd explain how the neural network works and the fact that its a black box etc, but I've done that in like 5 different posts now so eh. In any case, what came back wasn't at all what I was going for though. I go back to refine my prompt, change a few sentences around, get things that work better or worse, finally I generate an image that's got real potential. So, I open it in paint, move some things around, feed it back through... yes, yes, now we're getting somewhere. Lets do that again a few times, yep that's about perfect. Well, no- eye sockets don't look right. Top of helmet too. And the background. redo the background. Yes, yes that's pretty. All told, whole thing took about two hours I'd say. And the urge to post a generated image of "deez nuts" is incredibly strong. But no, here you go. I (not an artist) used an AI (not an artist) to generate art (it's pretty [and also not stolen]).
  17. Its not called "lies" anymore. He was just trolling in order to trigger libs. And it worked. U mad bro?
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/26/nyregion/george-santos-interview.html "I never said i was Jewish, i said i was Jew-ish." Real quote.
  19. Got fucking destroyed in karaoke last night. Dad was on fire, mom (who is usually horrible) had some decent songs. I just could not get a single one going well.
  20. Oh my god, yesterday I made the best roast i've ever done. Ever. Everything came out freaking incredible. Real proud of that one.
  21. Saw someone post something about how they're treating immigrants like animals, someone else says theyre treating them worse than that; they're being treated like eggs being thrown at someone's house. And again, people like @Master-Debater131 see this as a huge win.
  22. Rare Exports- well that was fun. Lotta santa penis.
  23. @Master-Debater131 great news, they did another human trafficking stunt. This time they left those dirty immigranta in the freezing cold in front of the vice presidents house, just in time for christmas! this is a major victory for conservatives everywhere and you should be proud. https://kesq.com/news/2022/12/24/more-migrants-dropped-outside-vice-presidents-home-in-freezing-weather-on-christmas-eve/
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