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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Yeah, but what about mules?
  2. Oh good; looks like they've got their updated talking points. Soon we'll see jingo emerge from his burrow. https://www.theepochtimes.com/gingrich-gop-got-nearly-6-million-more-votes-but-lost-many-races-whats-going-on_4857877.html
  3. Twitter to become a bank. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/11/twitter-could-go-bankrupt-lose-billions-next-year-musk-tells-staff/
  4. I had jaundice once. It's the price we pay for being sailors on this big, big water known as life. Mang.
  5. Trump just stated he sent the FBI to intervene in floridas 2018 election for the express purpose of ensuring a DeSantis win. You know, illegal election tampering by government officials at the direct order of a former president. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-desantis-statement-fbi-2018-florida-election-stolen-1758853 Goofy shit. *turns out, yep, that 100% happened. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2019/01/25/andrew-gillum-fbi-investigation-timeline-adam-corey-mike-miller/2677502002/
  6. Wholesome Christian values = women as objects, so yeah, actually. Totally lines up.
  7. Supposed to be 20 degrees tomorrow. Massive thunderstorm right now. Probably freezing overnight. Woo.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-just-had-best-midterms-democrat-president-24-years-1758562 Tgis reminds me of the time Biden was responsible for the largest decrease in the deficit ever.
  9. Almost 70 degrees and its not 9 am yet. In Wisconsin. In November. Thanks Al Gore.
  10. Yes. You're joking, but believe it or not. Yes.
  11. Saudi Arabia has all of our nuclear secrets and will be building a nuke with the name TRUMP plated onto it in big gold letters.
  12. So i tried posting these where they'd be appreciated (the "asseffect" subredit), but i couldn't post the picture. I messaged a mod and they said i should be able to, but no dice. Very sad. People need to see these.
  13. "the cult of action for action's sake."
  14. If i had to guess, Option D.
  15. Ok, so, first off, you're objectively wrong. Secondly, where are these super-hot aliens you apparently thought I was talking about? Because I'll totally make vulva for them as well.
  16. Turns out we got rid of drop boxes so we had to take ours to the county clerk directly.
  17. Not if they dismantle public education.
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