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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. It looks like a perfect machine to battle zombies.
  2. i posted this before
  3. basically, im as hot as poof and we both dont work. we just travel the country seducing men, partying and getting by to the next day BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!!!
  4. i wanna be like poison ivy but good.. like i can make food grow and shit. .and i go to improverished areas and make the food grow and trump like villians try to shut me down because im a threat to monsanto
  5. Yah..sure..ill never be able to look at her in the face again but im sure shes familiar with my 30 something year old boobs 😭😭😭
  7. this is exactly how little black girls be looking at me in the store LMAO
  8. thats exactly what i said. we were arguing over text message and my boo thang messaged me at the same time. i called her and told her to not open it... just delete the whole convo
  9. other pillows burn too, y'know
  10. nevermind cant maths
  11. *slaps you with purse* well i never!
  12. New gf already? Fuggs approves
  13. Who u calling a bitch? Im probably old enuff to be your mom. Respect your elders lil bastid!
  14. Yup. You do what you have to get by. You dont lower yer standards to less than $5 take home pay an hour minimum wage part time ...shit! Lol
  15. And Verizon wireless. Right now vzw pays $17 hour to start u off...personally i just don't want to go back to the crazy schedule...but trust me...this dude would definitely be hired there.
  16. I had one of the best jobs in Charleston living on my own with a 2 bedroom apartment and all i had was a high school diploma....so sorry...i don't understand.
  17. Oooo....do i really need to watch this tickled movie? I think u and i like a bunch of the same stuff movie wise
  18. Ah ok. Now i feel bad for not asking her.
  19. Omg dont u know theres loads of entry level u can get with just a degree? I see loads of office jobs that all u need is a bachelor's to get the job. The dude can do way better than min.wage with that amount of education.
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