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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Wouldn't i have to be dead- uh nevermind Sawdy is still mad i wouldn't fuck him dont listen to him
  2. Only one person sadly has done the right thing with my boobs. He sucked them hard and it felt soooooo good. He also pinches them and pulls them real hard...feels amazing But most guys lick them or softly suck them and it does nothing for me. Can barely feel it. Other than that, i like titty fucking.
  3. Stfu. You got so mad when i said honedt true things about you you resort to this bs now And her observations were weird and ill informed like most of yalls. Wanna kno me ask @Vela
  4. I thought youd like your little theme song
  5. B.n.m.j.y. bababa bababumbaba(breakin dishes) bababa bababumbaba HE BREAKING DISHES UP IN HERE...ALL NIGHT..(all night)...HE NOT GON STOP TIL HE SEE POLICE AND LIGHTS!
  6. And got asked to come in early. They had NO cashiers and the HR lady was ringing people up. Had to go home, drop off my groceries and head back to work lol Thats the life of hustling i guess I told her id come in early tomorrow to if she needed me
  7. well if it makes you happy i have to work a shift at 2nd job and theres no way im getting off early there LOL
  8. i so excited and i just cant hide OO H OOH OO HOOH OH!!
  9. yup yup i cant believe it. i was just thinking that friday would be the only full day of work for me and its rumored will get off early that day too!!
  10. stilgar dont you have some satanic devil worshipping to do? go bath in the blood of a virgin and leave me alone
  11. if you were anyone else you would have gotten a slick answer lol
  12. I googled how to put up a sun visor so i cant laugh at anyone elses dumb questions. (found a youtube video showing me how, too!)
  13. lol i dont know and i dont care (but its probably because tomorrow is the 4th)
  14. i do a lot actually motherfucker. i just know how to multitask.
  15. haha my metric is performing in south carolina.. and your star is definitely dead if you perform at the SC State Fair like mchammer did a few years back.
  17. see hes fake. dont comparey ourself to fake success thatoneguy
  18. im buying furniture in the morning. how old is that? waking up early for holiday sales LOL
  19. you shaped like me, goonne ms thang!!!!!!!
  20. speaking of successful comedians who actually suck.. Dane Cook? i was so confused
  21. im in love with a specter!!!!!!!
  22. i did get paid early but im still pissed. i wanna go have fun in the sun, too!! lol we will probably leave early friday.. hoping ... HOPING
  23. he sounds like a trust fund baby to me
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