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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. hopefully we see a new show announcement during this
  2. I'm surprised The Announcement during PA's commercial break wasn't for it's replacement next week I'm worried it may just be cowboy bebop or fooly cooly
  3. someone said it may have to do with Japan's Culture of Honoring elders or something
  4. It sucks that adultswim is popular mainly because of rick and morty....nothing else these days so many people know rick and morty but they couldn't even name anything else from adultswim
  5. No Black Clover This week from funimation it looks like(also no fire force S2 EP3)
  6. Yes they are still with us in some way but They Aren't the panic button pandemic they used to be and i don't think Covid-19 will be any different
  7. i have them set to low but Owl Apparently thinks it's gonna be higher than that and still thinks Fire Force S2 could be announced there despite the delay on EP3
  8. because i have my expectations set to low....I'm not expecting much in the way of hype worthy news to be announced
  9. the question remains what will the two shows be? i have no idea what fresh content they could even pick up
  10. that makes it seem like they have something they really want everyone to know...would be dumb if it was just an uzumaki release date and two reruns
  11. I really do hope Demarco's speaking the truth when he says they are gonna make tuning into the virtual convention on july 25th worthwhile
  12. that means simuldubs are temporarily on hold....that doesn't mean you cancel them completely canceling them means they'll never return I Really wish people would stop thinking the global pandemic is here forever and the way the world is right now is the way It'll remain
  13. one episode wouldn't be enough....It'd be way too easy for toonami to run out of episodes with just 3 on the table
  14. so you are confident that several more episodes will be dubbed by the time august 1st arrives?
  15. Fire Force S2 won't be on toonami for a long time no way they announce that at the virtual con
  16. if you have low expectations then you can't be disappointed by what's announced I Just Can't go into the virtual convention with anything higher than "both slots are reruns" without risking major disappointment
  17. and what if there's no jojo news at the virtual convention? I Wouldn't go expecting anything in particular to be announced at that convention You'll potentially leave disappointed i expect PA And Mob to be replaced with bebop and fooly cooly that's my expectation and i don't set it any higher
  18. You really think they'd announce "Hey Jojo's Back" at the virtual convention?
  19. i don't think they'll ever do that as it would ruin the appeal of Funimation's "Now" Service currently yes simuldubs are off the table due to the pandemic and they can't crank out episodes as soon as they come out in japan like they used to but that doesn't mean that will always be the case eventually this pandemic will be a thing of the past society's not gonna collapse and we aren't gonna be stuck inside our houses forever
  20. this wouldn't be so bad if we actually got updates from Viz When the stuff was finished instead of waiting for toonami to tell us it's back... because they'll just wait until the very last minute to tell us "Oh Jeez looks like Jojo's Still Not Back I Guess We'll have to throw in another filler rerun series" the only update we've heard regarding the golden wind dub was at the anime expo lite virtual convention on twitch where ray chase and Philip Reich commented on how the dub was practically wrapped up sure they could have meant they were done with the dub while everyone else wasn't or that there were still adjustments to be made in post-production but we don't know because they weren't anymore specific than that and since that's the only update we've received about the golden wind dub some took that to mean it would be coming back soon...however with this news we can see now that isn't the case and Jojo's nowhere near ready to return
  21. I Wouldn't be surprised if Black Clover is just taken off the block because of that.... switching between reruns and premieres for a long runner is more of a hassle than doing it for a seasonal show that has a set number of episodes and then goes away until the next season is ready to premiere
  22. He makes it sound like Viz ghosted them and this was a last minute discovery did he really think The Jojo Episodes were just gonna magically appear one day without him knowing?
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