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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. reminder after this episode BC Goes On A Little break to allow funimation time to dub more episodes and will resume 10/24
  2. did they really run out of games to review?...i ask because A PGA game isn't what i ever expected to be covered on toonami
  3. it was a good idea let's just hope toonami won't have to replace BC anytime soon
  4. depending on when Fire Force S2 premieres I May not have much at all to watch on the block soon i have no idea why demarco is trying to sell the toonami fans on this show other than he's friends with the creator
  5. and since it's likely the winner will have a marathon like the adult swim con one....expect to see a DBS Marathon from this apparently there's 64 shows involved in the bracket
  6. i just don't think Gemusetto will be as loved as they are hoping it'll be BallMasterz Was one thing because it was being used as filler until Jojo Part 5's dub could resume but this is being used as an actual replacement for Golden Wind
  7. It just makes no sense for them to be so quiet about fire force S2.....it's one of the last new additions to the block this year unless something unexpected happens so it's weird they'd be so hush hush about it's premiere date We've Known It would be coming to toonami since July
  8. what about this says "good idea for toonami!"? I Don't hate that this is a western cartoon i hate that it's just a "turn your brain off and watch the silliness happen" show being put on toonami because "Anime References!"
  9. haven't heard anything since the initial announcement that it would premiere october 24th which then got pushed back due to the batman movie nights but Gemusetto Season II has been set to premiere on toonami November 7th and yet still no word on fire force S2's arrival so when are we getting it?
  10. i fail to see how this isn't being done because toonami had no other options....there's no way they'd put this on the block if it wasn't all they had availablle
  11. I Wouldn't say Fine Way...i doubt many people will enjoy this being on the block
  12. some of them aren't even halloween related like last year they aired ironman and tried to call that a halloween movie... charlie and the chocolate factory(as well as the original)aren't halloween movies sure they involve candy but that's a pretty weak excuse to air on this halloween themed lineup that would be like airing Ratatouille because "Rats are Scary Right?"
  13. i wonder what jason demarco will say about this if he says anything
  14. i wish freeform didn't just repeat so much of it's content.....
  15. eh i still don't know...$60 for what's basically emulated old games with no Quality of life improvements or extra's to really make it feel like a celebration of mario makes this package seem rather crappy
  16. CountFrylock


    Highly recommend this rogue like game
  17. I'm surprised black clover lasted this long on the block in the middle of a pandemic but hey we all knew it was gonna run out sooner or later
  18. Black Clover Discussion Episode Title: those who have been gathered
  19. I Know right? i really miss the creative halloween blocks that would come around this time of year on television because the presentation was what made it stand out and i don't think trying to make a halloween block yourself by streaming various halloween specials and episodes is the same it just isn't....because to me without the halloween themed commercials and bumpers it just feels hollow and life less
  20. EP 136(dub)has yet to be announced and unless we get a late evening announcement 10/10 will be the last black clover episode on toonami before they have to decide if they wanna replace it or leave it in reruns mode
  21. i think freeform's all day hocus pocus halloween marathon last year was overkill
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