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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. when there's a pandemic still ravaging the country and many still aren't taking it seriously i wouldn't call it a sacrifice to stay home.....My State's in no shape to be supporting halloween parties and get togethers although i doubt many states would really be doing that right now it's far too reckless and stupid to think anything other than "stay home" on halloween it's not worth it to get infected simply because you were tired of being indoors and were just that bored
  2. except in past games you usually have more to do than just buy clothes and furniture the villagers are extremely boring in new horizons to the point where you don't even want to interact with them at all You've seen one villager in new horizons You've seen them all
  3. Reminder this episode will be the last episode aired on toonami until further notice(No idea when it'll return but the theory is January)
  4. so....with Black clover off the block until possibly early 2021 and SAO's dub either finished or almost finished i have to wonder when this marathon was planned....because marathons in the covid age of toonami are mainly used to stall for time since nobody's going anywhere anyways
  5. i do wonder how patient black clover fans will be for the dub and if they'll just switch to funimation's streaming service for that so they can watch them as they come out instead of waiting for them to air on toonami in january
  6. because apple now owns the rights to the holiday specials and are making them exclusive to apple tv yeah it's cool freeform's doing that...however it feels like they really don't have much to show and so after awhile it's just the same content being spammed over and over again i have no idea why the cartoon channels are so crappy in terms of halloween themed output this year....
  7. really sad to think halloween used to be more of a big deal on television....
  8. and now it's gonna be completely overshadowed by the presence of sword art online... I'm not really expecting much of a toonami promo for that reason....
  9. doesn't matter if the situation is different...for them to not say anything about black clover is bizarre no matter how you look at it just say "black clover's taking a break for now but don't worry it will return!" how hard is that?
  10. yeah which makes this even weirder....here it's just silence and them hoping nobody asks about black cover
  11. jackbox party pack 7 is the only one i own currently but i do have to say talking points as well as the devils and the details are two games i will not stream i attempted to stream devil and the details...it wasn't fun unless you have people on discord voice chat it's quite annoying especially when other players are doing selfish tasks and you are stuck trying to do a team task that everyone else refuses to participate in blather round champ'd up and quiplash 3 however are easy enough to play on stream
  12. We'll have to see...nothing's happening as it should due to the pandemic until it's return is announced it's not guaranteed they didn't avoid talking about MHA when it was having issues during the last half of S4 and they didn't avoid talking about golden wind when it needed to take a break so the fact they avoid mentioning black clover now is really strange
  13. if they don't clarify later and leave it as is....then they didn't forget black clover's been on the block for nearly three years removing it for an extended period of time without saying anything will draw some negative attention from fans if they say nothing about it....how can we be so sure it'll even return to the block? then again after what happened regarding boruto I'm not so sure them saying "black clover's taking a break but it will return!" would make fans happy so no matter what demarco says it means nothing until we actually see it's return that's what sucks as a black clover fan
  14. Toonami's facebook page makes no mention of black clover taking a break which is suspicious....as to not say anything at all about black clover would lead some to believe this is another one piece/boruto scenario there's nothing to gain from saying nothing if it's a temporary removal
  15. not really....in it's place we have Gemusetto Season 2
  16. would anyone here be up for some jackbox sessions?
  17. also can anyone tell me why there exists fans who think Haumea's sexy waifu material?....
  18. that's all we do know about Fire Force S2...it'll be on toonami in november I'm a little impatient because i have no interest in Gemusetto S2 and black clover could very well be pulled off the block until enough episodes are dubbed to prevent this back and forth nonsense that happened with MHA S4
  19. I'm gonna go nuts if i see that dream corp commercial one more time...
  20. what kind of abrupt ending is that?
  21. it feels like something's up....like it got pushed back further than we think it isn't like we don't know fire force S2's coming it isn't a secret
  22. next week is the final episode of S1 so it's unlikely we'll see it air next week....if it was on november 7th(same date as gemusetto S2) You'd think we would have heard about it sooner there's nothing else for toonami to talk about
  23. wonder if we'll have S2's air date announced next week? would be weird if they just didn't say a word until the promised neverland marathon
  24. it's extra weird when you put them next to characters a few years younger than them...
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