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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. the fact Mereoleona's not here but gauche is just confuses me what is it about his character that japan likes?
  2. the lack of mereoleona disappoints me
  3. that channel is a piece of crap and the comments prove it's fans are the exact same I Mean Jeez some of them outright act like social justice is a plague and this is a conspiracy to rewrite the facts
  4. i just wish there were more shops in the game....seems bizarre to me that the only businesses are Nook's cranny the able sisters clothing store and Dodo Airlines
  5. just recently i hopped back on after a long break from AC New Horizons....I don't know it just seems like there's very little to entice me to keep playing.....i haven't even participated in the fireworks show this month that happens on sundays
  6. so now other websites are listing the normal schedule for 9/5 instead of "TBA" Like The TZ/ASH Forums reported suppose now we just have to wait and see if toonami announces another dc event soon or if it's just back to business as usual i hope TZ/ASH Is wrong because EP1 for Assassination Classroom being 8/29 followed by EP2 on 9/19 would be really awkward
  7. I Wonder if it's just placeholders(since DC Fandome splitting in two was a last minute decision that would have caught toonami off guard)or if nothing will happen and they won't do anything for Part 2 Of Fandome We'll just have to wait and see if more dc movies are announced in the next couple of days
  8. from the very beginning or past what the anime has currently covered? i ask because there's been a few manga's I've been interested in lately after i had already watched the anime
  9. welp looks like a labor day break is in the cards after all...
  10. DC Fandome is the only explanation anyone can come up with to explain toonami being absent the first two weeks of september i honestly wonder what they'll air myself too....but the more i think about it i wonder how they'll announce this since they'll need to have a promo ready to air this saturday otherwise people will be confused when they tune in 9/5 and it's just movies
  11. Yeah this all just seems like a last minute change that they just weren't prepared for..... i mean who would really debut a new show and then take off the regular block for several weeks afterwards?
  12. how are we stupid? there's no regular toonami programming listed for 9/5 and 9/12 so what are we to assume if not two more weeks of dc animated movies? i agree but since they aren't doing that....that proves this must have been a late minute decision that caught them offguard
  13. After a three week break they only managed to dub one additional episode of black clover I Don't think another three weeks will make much of a difference
  14. i really can't imagine the toonami crew being happy about this at all....they just announced Assassination classroom and now they have to explain why that's only gonna air one episode before the regular block goes on break for three weeks and that's not even mentioning how they'll address the jojo fans who got slapped in the face with "Batman Takes Priority!"
  15. so yeah looks like that last minute decision left toonami with little choice but to put the entire block and Assassination Class room's second episode on pause until 9/19 get ready for more batman movies....confirmed at this point personally i couldn't care less about more batman movies because i don't care about DC Fandome and don't like it being shoved down my throat down when I'm watching adultswim
  16. unfortunately unlike MHA which is a seasonal show Black clover is a long runner so eventually It'll have to go on hiatus since funimation can't dub fast enough to stay far ahead of the toonami broadcast they were only able to put out 1 dubbed black clover episode in the span of three weeks with the last break toonami gave them
  17. it just sounds like they had no idea this was even happening a second time and they were put in a very awkward position where they come back from Two weeks of batman movies only to go back to more batman movies after one week of the regular block that sees a new addition to the lineup expect a tweet from jason demarco where just like last time he says "Sorry Jojo Fans but You'll have to wait awhile longer"
  18. from someone who watched it(this coming from a post on gamefaqs)it was less like a virtual convention and more like an infomercial since there was no way for the fans to interact with anyone(not even each other) so they are just using this as one big advertisement and they figured they'd do this twice...Once in august then again in September splitting it up so they can focus on different things for each part
  19. another theory could be they are using this as an excuse to buy more time for funimation to dub more episodes of black clover and fire force S2 and since WB Wants Toonami to promote DC Fandome Again it looks like they'll happily accept it so that they don't have to replace black clover soon or think about the possibility that Fire Force S2 might have not enough episodes to confidently air in october
  20. https://www.dcfandome.com/thankyou when you go to the dc fandome website it says it will return in 19 days
  21. the only explanation I've seen anyone give is that maybe toonami just didn't know DC Fandome was gonna start again the following month and so they were surprised to learn it was gonna happen once more on 9/12
  22. i don't know any logical explanation for the first one but as for the second someone on anime superheroes forum had this to say "Not like Toonami's crew knew FanDome was going to be split up when they were planning Assassin Classroom's debut and by the time they learned it, turned out Part 2 of FanDome lands on the week after Assassin Classroom premieres. Couldn't be helped."
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