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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. doubt that seeing as Part 2 of DC Fandome happens 9/12 so this makes some sense since they did two weeks of movies for Part 1 then chances are they'll do the same for part 2
  2. i don't really think A 2D game would have worked as well...
  3. according to a schedule someone posted on The Anime Superheroes Forum Assassination Classroom will only get to air it's first episode before the block goes on break for three weeks due to DC Fandom Part 2(Since There's a second DC Fandom Event On 9/12) it's not been announced yet but it's weird that the premiere dates for toonami in september begin with 9/19
  4. https://animesuperhero.com/forums/threads/adult-swims-toonami-september-2020-premiere-info.5787727/ the first premieres for Toonami in September Begin 9/19 according to this list of new episodes which doesn't add up.... so after three weeks on hold(and two weeks of batman movies) the normal block returns for just one week and then goes away for three weeks for batman movies again perhaps?(Since there's a second dc fandom event on 9/12)
  5. honestly i don't understand shows that try to be an anime parody and then act like "OOOOH Look big sparkly eyes and people talking like this is speed racer! it's anime" have they even seen any anime?
  6. and it's established that he wouldn't be any government's loyal lapdog but DKR says otherwise
  7. superman vs batman has always been a stupid fight because they are suppose to be friends who respect each other too much to fight to the death
  8. considering this scene came from the same writer who wrote all star batman and robin where Batman had this stupid idea that to defeat green lantern all he had to do was paint everything yellow including himself(even painted the inside of his mouth yellow)and left out some lemonade on a yellow table I Don't think it's too far out there to say he did this to show Superman's powers could easily be used to drain the planet of all life Since He Does Hate Superman....
  9. i mean superman's suppose to be this kind boy scout who despite his amazing powers has a noble mind set and was raised with good morals picked up from his earth family seeing him just suck life out of the earth itself makes it look like he didn't give a damn about those morals
  10. that makes it seem like frank miller hates superman and wanted to put this in to show "Superman could easily suck all the life out of our planet"
  11. maybe if he was hit by fear gas or something but unfortunately the scarecrow doesn't exist in this universe so i have no clue what happened
  12. in Anko's case with no more wars and fighting she got fat but in Selina's case it's just....She Gave Up When Gotham Went Down the toilet after Batman's Retirement you can't really justify Selina where as with Anko you can just say Peaceful Living made her soft
  13. why did frank miller make selina a depressed fatty?
  14. I've had fun so far with it
  15. it's almost time
  16. nobody can say for sure honestly at this point....
  17. there's been no announcement about 131 so unless they stealth drop it tomorrow i don't think so
  18. makes me wish they just flat out said it wasn't coming back from the start instead of making it sound like it could return
  19. because he was a circus performer and that inspired the costume he wore
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