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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. Naruto,...they seem to play it mostly for nostalgia
  2. at this point i wonder if demarco and crew really give a damn about this
  3. reminder that naruto's english va cannot sing
  4. Akane would be classified as A SCP by the foundation
  5. because apparently toonami is desperate for ad money i suppose?
  6. unfortunately the average american with a nielsen box isn't a attack on titan fan
  7. Attack On Titan has turned into insane ramblings about fighting a war for reasons you don't even remember anymore
  8. this reminds me of when the youtuber super orange cat(he frequently uploads toonami news updates and ratings reports)got pissed off at toonami saying black lives matter and that they should keep politics off the channel
  9. and those syfy shows are really terrible...
  10. only thing i have from them in terms of manga...some hellsing volumes
  11. so why is food wars ahead of Promised Neverland S2 on the new schedule?
  12. i just had to make this topic so we can all realize how lucky we are this version has lasted this long.... any other network would probably have canceled it by now as what good is an anime block that starts very late at night? you don't see any other networks airing new content at the time toonami airs it's seen as nonsensical to air content that late without it being reruns
  13. hard to believe it's been 9 years since toonami returned
  14. for anyone here that is a manga reader that is
  15. I Just think it's bizarre for a company that's been desperately trying to find the next attack on titan hit....they don't seem all that interested in spreading the word about anything they seem to act like the next big thing is gonna magically appear and be a major success without them having to advertise it's sheer existence and especially on the english side You'd think they would take advantage of an anime being dubbed to try and sell more volumes but that isn't the case not much mention of fire force on twitter from them during the duration of the S2 Dub then again they didn't really mention attack on titan all that much even while The Final Season's dub episodes are being aired so maybe that's just how they operate...in a weird sort of way
  16. it's more weird than interesting i don't recall them doing much marketing for any series english volumes on social media where as viz media the night of jojo part 5's finale on toonami announced the jojo part 5 hardcover volumes in english
  17. i wish they said what it's even suppose to be....one could guess it's suppose to be manga panels maybe
  18. i wonder what the adults really think of her
  19. I'm not sure how much this will help kodansha...honestly
  20. I Wish We Knew more about Haumea before this episode...when we see her being a nuisance for her allies and just completely off the rails nuts You'd think she hinders the white clad more than helps
  21. You would think they'd be promoting it during the second season of the dub but they haven't...
  22. someone sat down and decided "this is what we want people to associate Kodansha with"
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