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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. remind me again why this is considered a top tier toonami series? this season just feels...eh
  2. I Don't really see toonami being 9/10 or 10/10 this year unless they blow our minds with top tier pick up's and are able to avoid another MHA S4 incident in terms of remote dubbing but that first one really depends on what the block's budget looks like this year and I'm not really expecting it to be much better than last year's reduced budget
  3. how good do you think it will be?
  4. if mirko couldn't rank high in this one than i doubt midnight will be ranked high in the next one
  5. today's the last day of the rightstuf holiday sale and as an surprise treat they've brought back every viz media/yen press title that was apart of weekly specials for today only
  6. i think shindo got ranked so high due to shippers among the female fanbase
  7. i think mirko's poor placement in this poll may have something to do with how female characters are typically seen by The Japanese Fandom i guess... maybe the audience there just doesn't really care much for the female characters
  8. and who can forget the numerous times we saw "Deku versus gentle criminal" when toonami was trying to buy more time for funiamtion to dub mha episodes
  9. does toonami just not trust AOT that much? because to still have Super reruns ahead of the final season dub premiere seems awkward
  10. I Have no idea why they opted to conclude gemusetto death beats outside toonami if they were just gonna do this... makes absolutely no sense
  11. if the creator wants it to...otherwise it's not gonna happen
  12. I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten any black clover funko pops at all although with that aside i do wonder if we'd ever get a princess hibana funko pop...
  13. i imagine the commercials would be better if they had done more than just that one since as i said this one is very early on in the anime however searching up MHA Commercials on youtube doesn't really give you much if at all(the most are some ads for the anime then maybe some related to the video games and then this) you can of course find countless one piece and dbz commercials with the characters promoting different products but mha?...this is all you can find
  14. saw this on the toonami sub-reddit and decided to start a similar topic here to see what everyone had to say on the matter what did you think were the best moments of the year for toonami and what were the worst?
  15. I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen something like that done with my hero academia hell the only commercial i can find that features MHA characters to promote a company's product is an old pocky commercial
  16. usually toonami's anime bonding time with my mother but she had zero interest in wonder woman night so I'm just typing here while she listens to music
  17. so the final weekly publisher deals for the holiday sale are (Viz) 1.yona of the dawn 2.queen's quality 3.kakuriyo bed&breakfast for spirits (Yen press) 1.the devil's a part-timer 2.horimiya 3.teasing master takagi-san so demon slayer was absent for the entire holiday sale....there was never a demon slayer manga bundle during this holiday sale
  18. funimation recently dubbed EP142 just a little update on the progress of black clover
  19. does everyone forget that demon slayer concluded despite being a massive success and there was no sequel or continuation to that teased?
  20. yeah the CN Schedules account(the fan who consistently keeps up with any and all CN/Adult swim schedule changes on twitter)made a mention of justice league appearing on cartoon network for that day have no idea why but who knows
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