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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. if only count chocula was sold all year round
  2. bruce the goose
  3. then you aren't meant to be here
  4. Eh We'll just have to wait and see if that happens....currently I Can't see any other show that could come this year with as much mainstream appeal as MHA so this is about it as far as heavy hitters go
  5. that's the best part about coco puffs
  6. So Many people were expecting MHA S5 to Outdo DBS Rerun Numbers but it's clear that's not gonna happen now... it's even clearer that it's not gonna come anywhere close to S4 numbers this is probably the last show for the year with any kind of mainstream appeal and to see it fail so hard on the first episode of season 5 is disappointing
  7. Uzumaki isn't really something the average american would be into
  8. does anyone else here like this cereal?
  9. Demarco And Company won't see it that way....they'll look at this as A Sign of Something like MHA failing and maybe needing to be demoted
  10. and i think that hype was kind of stupid as we saw how terrible elon musk was As A Comedian...it was like throwing in a robot who doesn't understand basic comedy and jokes
  11. I Can See Toonami Looking at this and saying "See! Nobody Watches MHA on TV! they'd rather stream it...It Would have tanked the block if we let it lead"
  12. still kind of weird as i said i don't know if Hulu actively promotes anime the way netflix does if they do great but if not then how are they discovering MHA if they don't already know about it?
  13. I love When The Dub Va's live tweet during toonami but we probably won't get that with MHA Since most of the VA's are so busy (all clifford chapin could do was make one tweet saying it was gonna come on)
  14. when it's 2021 and there exists people shocked that MHA's on adult swim you know the marketing's terrible... as for VA Tweets i do enjoy when the VA's live tweet but most of them can't do that due to how late the block airs that's why dallas reid(Asta Va) had to stop live tweeting black clover once the show started messing with his sleep schedule i don't think any show on the block currently has A VA Live Tweeting...I Recall Fire Force S2 had Sarah Roach(Maki VA)live tweeting every week although since that's done now there aren't any VA's actively promoting the block at this time
  15. and unfortunately they'll keep DBS Reruns upfront until it's run concludes....They had the chance to let something fresh lead the block(MHA S5)instead they insist DBS Reruns can't be beat at the lead position however by refusing to put MHA S5 in that lead spot what exactly can they put in that spot once The DBS Run Concludes? nobody knows because there isn't a surefire answer this time....and none of the originals have what it takes to be the lead show
  16. I Never really got the family guy/dragon ball connection or how Dragon ball fans are also family guy fans and that's how they did well.. either way The Network won't have family guy anymore soon and then they'll be screwed because they didn't have a plan for what happens after family guy because they never thought they wouldn't have it at some point so now their only option is to maybe spam rick and morty even more(i swear I've seen all the episodes so many times i can puke....if i see pickle rick one more time)but that would probably get to the point of irritating when you start seeing rick and morty four or five times a night... heh as for ratings...considering the most Mysterious and unknown people are counted for this(Seriously I've never known anyone who was selected for the Nielsen Survey....Nobody I've ever talked to has)in a very small capacity to judge what the entire country likes it doesn't take long before i get annoyed by it's outdated existence It'd be like gauging what the average american's favorite food was by polling random people in 10-20 small towns and saying that proves anything
  17. thing is if the casuals only watch DBS reruns and refuse to watch anything else....can we even call them toonami viewers? if you only watch DB Related Stuff(Even In Reruns)and hate anything You Aren't a toonami viewer You Are just a dragon ball viewer they come for DBS Reruns then leave when it's over so the majority of the block they are absent there isn't a New DB Series Coming soon...a movie yes(announced for 2022)but an actual tv series? Nah so if toonami's doing this to try and stall until more DB Content arrives for them to air then they are out of luck any other network would probably think it's a brainless move to promote 2 year old reruns over new content and parading it around like a golden goose
  18. .....this commercial really vanished from tv didn't it? meanwhile I'm Still seeing those tired old anti-vape commercials
  19. and currently his insistence that nothing can do better than DBS Reruns upfront even MHA S5 Episodes ....just blows my mind all because "We're a tv network and we need to cater to the casual audience most of all!" that casual audience who seems to hate anything that isn't dragon ball related....catering to them doesn't seem to be working so well for toonami
  20. yeah there is that but I'm not really sure how many MHA Fans were born from Hulu Exposure i never really hear people say Hulu introduced them to MHA Or any other anime...much it's there yes but unless you know it's there will you watch it? I Know Netflix advertises anime on the app but does Hulu?
  21. telling fans "its your fault for not watching" when most of them aren't counted in the ratings is a pretty dick thing to do
  22. I'm not really sure how many non-anime fans subscribe to funimation now though DB Became so huge because it was accessible to anyone with cable and today you still have people that fawn over the franchise as a result unless you are already into anime....MHA is something you can't just jump into
  23. Demarco's comments more often than not just read like "Desperate PR Lingo"
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