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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. god moria's laugh pisses me off also i think the ads are just randomly generated....
  2. i mean tax problem solving ads?....ads for the same adult swim low humor comedies we see every other night...
  3. i find it funny how most of these ads do not attract the toonami crowd
  4. it's just i get pumped for toonami and then it ends....sooner than it should
  5. But How often will they air new episodes? that's the thing...plus more people have cartoon network than Disney
  6. Disney Didn't have much success with Naruto Or Doraemon....it does make me depressed that anime is seen as just a thing for Horny Adults ANd Insomniacs now
  7. it's more frustrating than fun....adultswim most of the time acts like they are too stupid to even open a door and toonami night is the only night when competent words are formed and the shows are like actual shows instead of Meme-Filtered Troll LOL Nonsense
  8. problem is Toonami prefers to use the last spot to promote newer animes that recently wrapped up their first run(or first season)on tooami instead of digging into the old archives
  9. Cartoon network will have to come up with something and soon...Mighty Magiswords cannot save them
  10. i don't know if I'm just not paying attention or if it's something else but i always look forward to toonami so much and then bam 3 hours later we're done
  11. i can't understand how perona can keep getting put into one piece games when she's not even that big of a character outside thriller bark
  12. who has played this?
  13. CountFrylock


    who here still plays it?
  14. there is one for that but eh....I'm not so into that(discussing a rerun anyways)
  15. i feel like luffy's wild goose chase has gone on long enough
  16. i find the rerun slot kinda pointless....after OPM there's not gonna be anything left to rerun(except for S1 Of Gundam but that's been a total shitshow...)
  17. thoughts on it so far?
  18. again he's a cyborg I'm pretty sure he doesn't pee also what the hell do any of the others drink most of the time?
  19. well he's a cyborg...soooo ya know...i gotta wonder how they can keep the ship stocked with someone like luffy on board?
  20. I've been changing my team a lot but perona is always a constant part of it
  21. Still though there are some really fun characters in there such as Franky And Perona
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