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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. look let's be honest here nothing will ever gonna stand tall with DBZ soaking up all the attention One Piece was just an easy target because they could use low ratings as an excuse and people would buy it they doubled down on DBZ too fast and like earlier stated are paying the price...they had to give up something to afford the double DBZ
  2. the problem is the wording of "A Couple of years at least" things can change and toonami could go down fast within the next couple of months...i think it's gonna be hard to get people to care about one piece with it having died several times already on television if it came out after 2-4 years that would be enough time for people to just not even give a shit....their annoyance would just drive them to buy the blu-rays or watch them online
  3. if that was the case then that would be overly dramatic of them to make A "Well Goodbye One Piece We'll Miss Ya!" If It'll be back ater DBZ Kai FC Ends
  4. My Mother And I like one piece i even bought one piece burning blood for ps4 last year
  5. and what's that? 2-4 years from now when toonami might not even exist anymore....
  6. regardless of if it was low enough to do so....they still axed it and it isn't coming back
  7. try begging demarco it won't help but it might get the point across how some people really do love one piece and cannot stand to be without it on toonami
  8. so what would you tell the toonami crew and Demarco then if you were in front of them now?
  9. I'm no expert but at 1:30 AM i don't think any network would give a shit about the ratings at that time no matter what's on it's such a barren waste of a slot that having any expectations at all for the ratings are a terrible idea
  10. One Piece Will never come back so i hope toonami enjoys that double down on DBZ....it's all people will be watching them for...soon enough
  11. https://twitter.com/Clarknova1 maybe you can decipher some of his tweets and try to find the reason for it...but the popular theory is "Low Ratings" that's all anyone can come up with
  12. this makes no fucking sense.....Why is it that ratings only come into play when it concerns one piece?
  13. i agree and it's only a matter of time before Demarco starts getting uber toxic with the fanbase because The One Piece fans aren't taking this well at all
  14. i fear for the day when toonami just kicks everything to the curb that isn't DBZ and maybe one or two other shows
  15. I'm mad at toonami because they actually were expecting blockbuster ratings from a 1:30 AM Time slot apparently.... that time slot destroyed one piece and It'll never be on tv again in America at this rate it's already died too many times
  16. i feel just as pissed as you because Toonami will slurp up anything DBZ and promote the fuck out of them but god forbid they actually try and acknowledge one piece's existence.... after Ennies Lobby it's like they had zero fucks left to give and went into pretender mode
  17. "One Piece fans: I share your pain. Hate to lose one of the greatest shonen ever made. But the decision had to be made." So Basically i guess Naruto's just a better ratings machine than one piece since once again i quote this he stated ""We aired it for literal years, twice over. I'm sorry it's leaving but I feel like we gave it a real shot. Sorry man.""
  18. i doubt toonami will ever bring it back...Demarco seemed pretty clear that they were done attempting anything with one piece
  19. and TG will be in the same time slot so it's ratings will be on par with One Piece or worse than it.... it's fucking 1:30 AM!!!! who are they to say "Oh The ratings were too low!" dude! most people are asleep by 1:30 AM maybe don't pin the blame on fans and act like we killed this show i watched it constantly on toonami so i shouldn't get blamed for this yet toonami fans get blamed for this and OP Fans are expected to just shut up and accept it....One Piece love or hate it you cannot deny it's status as A Iconic Long Running Popular Anime and to just replace with something like Tokyo Ghoul is like replacing The Simpsons with a show that doesn't even belong in it's shadow
  20. i feel the same way but like i said Demarco's making it out like he tried his best but we just didn't care enough about one piece to keep it on toonami it's depressing
  21. and all because toonami has unreasonable expectations for it's ratings....it's 1:30 AM! the hell were they expecting?! they weren't even giving Toonami Much Acknowledgement After Ennies lobby....so to say they gave it their best show and treated it with loads of respect is a laugh
  22. and regardless don't you think Tokyo Ghoul is being set up as a scapegoat now that's destined to fail miserably?
  23. wouldn't it be funny if Tokyo Ghoul got worse ratings than one piece? i wonder how Demarco And Crew would feel about that.....because no matter who you are You aren't gonna get great ratings at 1:30 AM so at best Tokyo Ghoul will be on par with OP Ratings but at worse It'll be far worse
  24. i dunno why but to me this feels like Demarco's being a major dick in this tweet "We aired it for literal years, twice over. I'm sorry it's leaving but I feel like we gave it a real shot. Sorry man." you gave it a real shot and yet there was no fanfare or promo's whatsoever for Thriller Bark.... it almost sounds like he's saying "Yeah we tried our best but nobody cares about this shit" since he states it as "Airing For Literal years Twice Over"
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