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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. here, let's all be thankful again. 'cause that's not lame or anything.
  2. Unexpected follow-up
  3. what about that mccoy guy?
  4. i do not think therefore i do not am.
  5. it appears we are at an impass...
  6. well, to be honest, i'm not entirely convinced that i'm real. i was kind of hoping that one of you knew some way to prove it.
  7. If so, prove it.
  8. See. You've got the alzheimers. Now you'll have to have a colonoscopy.
  9. You're old. Go to the damn doctor, fool.
  10. I'm just gonna put a cap on this with a "thank god..." https://www.huffpost.com/entry/josh-stein-defeats-mark-robinson-north-carolina-governor_n_672a590fe4b0be8c956ad41e
  11. Here, to tide you over.
  12. Also, this is the new November mascot:
  13. Oooh. We could randomly set the clocks back an hour just to fuck with everyone!
  14. we need to make november less lame. suggestions?
  15. this might be a good time for you to leave, wednesday...
  16. i don't really like radiohead. there's nothing wrong with their music. i just don't care for it. and yes, i've listened to Kid A in its entirety. it's just not my thing.
  17. top 5 nic cage movies starring nic cage Leaving Las Vegas Wild at Heart Titanic but with nic cage. Raising Arizona Ghost Rider. it's a terrible movie but may be the single best use of nic cage in a nic cage film.
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