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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. dog food shredded cheese hot sauce kitchen trash bags one lime sandwich bread something for dessert orange juice (the kind without the pulp) vegetable oil butter air conditioning filter (if they carry those)
  2. My understanding is that you use an only if the h is silent. An hour. A horse.
  3. Some of my older ones are starting to fade a bit. Usual wear stuff.
  4. They're fine. Every shirt I've gotten from them is Bella Canvas. Roughly 50-50 cotton poly blend. The prints usually hold up.
  5. Screw it. I'm totally wearing it tomorrow.
  6. 1 o'clock 2 o'clock 3 o'clock Rock
  7. Welp. Guess I'm skipping the superbowl this year.
  8. what is your conjunctive adverb? however, nonetheless, likewise? i'm a big hence guy myself. that's what they used to call me: big hence.
  9. The entire human race is incredibly disappointing.
  10. um. not to be that guy, but where's the icing?
  11. somebody get adult swim on the phone. i've found their next big show.
  12. 1. Do! (a deer, a female deer) 2. Re! (a drop of golden sun) 3. Mi! (a name I call myself) 4. Fa! (a long, long way to run) 5. So! (a needle pulling thread) 6. La! (a note to follow so) 7. Ti!(a drink with jam and bread)
  13. Me only use objective case pronouns.
  14. Holidays? This working thing is for losers.
  15. Aguirre, the Wrath of God. (Werner Herzozg, 1972) 6/10 I know this is a classic and I can see why. Some really interesting uses of sound/atmosphere. I respect the whole guerrilla filmmaking approach, and Klaus Kinski is mesmerizing in a nauseating sort of way. That said, it's just very slow with no real payoff. Also, some of the scenes with animals just couldn't be filmed today due to animal cruelty laws.
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