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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. No other additives Twinnings.
  2. prob from work but not a peasant like you.
  3. good thing is my chances of her getting preg are down 50%
  4. i heard grindr is better for you
  5. funny story, i ruptured my girls ovarian cyst.
  6. you're beneath me in your current state. im not entertaining you today. goodbye
  7. i dont need to do any of that stuff, you posting your half nudes yesterday was enough mental anguish for this place.
  8. my issues were because i was an unemployed bum with a sex addiction, who when was working would blow all their money asap - and no drive for a solid and responsible relationship. i am and always have been a hopeless romantic and i have addressed my issues.
  9. i started playing pool and going to this bar no one knows me at, new friends etc. she could take a page from my book. sometimes ppl need a reset. I said a few months ago im working and shit, and i had some shit happen in my life that drastically changed my perspective on shit im at work rn waiting on ups and fedex to get their shit together and deliver the shit we need. sitting here looking at a bunch of kids trying to pay for college stare at their phone because i have no work for them rn and im about to send them and myself home for the day.
  10. its viper and i dont get how she is still acting like this you think being told you're fat, ugly and stupid enough would make someone go away, even being accused of being a bad parent at some point you should think "if people i dont know on the internet are telling me i have a problem, maybe i should address it"
  11. how the fuck are some of you STILL acting like this shit ya'll got some serious mental issues
  12. when was the last time you ate ass?
  13. dont forget fat and ugly
  14. you know who this is right?
  15. i think you missed my point the point was true or not, no one cares
  16. last woman that grabbed my ass i fucked a year later on new years.
  17. how long does it take for you come up with your fictional stories?
  18. Age of S'jet


    Do this stuff once, it'll change your life. For the better if you deserve it. Do it again if you dare.
  19. dont believe u
  20. missing out To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GOT
  21. he's got a hammer, bro
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