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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. You have autism, don't you?
  2. Even u fat boi. One day you'll find a boo. Get a nice job first and your own apartment and you'll see.
  3. The hound is the best character.
  4. Bigger than yours πŸ˜‰
  5. @lupin_bebop you like thatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  6. Reddit and YouTube exclusively
  7. Redundancy at its finest. Board is full of illegal shit.
  8. Misaka looks like he pulled a me, except this is more than a message board for him and he cant live without it.
  9. Wot? C'mon ur ruining my fun.
  10. That's someone's life choice. Do you hate the LGBT community too?
  11. Will it be worse than the dragonball movie tho?
  12. The fuck did I just read
  13. what the fuck did i miss why is this happening i feel bad for laughing why am i laughing?
  14. active run time is 89 hours so
  15. I did that to my keyboard with rubbing alcohol before
  16. Oh look a moderator who didn't read the thread either. What a shocker. And not the sexual kind.
  17. I see you read the entire thread before posting. That was sarcasm
  18. these people? funny? not even close
  19. This place is full of debby downers, people who do coke at parties to have fun.
  20. vapor trap thats what it had
  21. It was like his full setup for his garage that he works out of. idk. it was a big boy, needed time to pressurize, some kind of vapor remover. idk. it was like 4 and a half feet tall
  22. You try commanding troops to hail a storm of arrows at a void of darkness and fog
  23. you all already got explained what the fucking white walkers were in previous seasons bran literally fuckin showed ya'll how the fuckin night king was made and I'M the pot head? I remember this? the fuck kind of drugs r yall on xanax is bad mhkay
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