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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I'm seeing it tomorrow at noon! Can't wait. Wish I could have seen it tonight but I had to work.
  2. Don't bite the inside of your mouth like I did when I got my filling the other day. I might need to go back to the dentist this one tooth has been bothering me a lot lately. I thought it might just be sensitivity at first but I started using sensitive toothpaste and it hasn't helped much yet.
  3. Too much sugar, not enough protein or other necessary vitamins
  4. He moved out a couple years ago but apparently he was staying at a hospital a couple miles away. He ran from the hospital to my work and went into one of the houses armed with a brick saying he was going to "fuck everyone up". Then one of the clients that lives there now decided he was going to try and fight the guy but was then yelling at the police when they showed up. So the former and current client both got arrested. Fun
  5. A positive I think? Idk y do u ask
  6. It's not too bad the worst part is when they give u the needle to numb u (they put a numbing gel on ur gums first but the needle still pinches) and then afterwards ur mouth stays numb for like hours. Can't even really feel when they drill ur tooth and the whole thing goes pretty quick.
  7. I'm dying so who cares
  8. Got a filling and decided to eat while my mouth was still numb. Bad idea.
  9. Do you have a time machine?
  10. Ur going on a date with ur mom?
  11. But I only get one weekend off a month and I like my family
  12. Usually on my off days I need to go out to run some kind of errand or if it's my weekend off go out and do something with family or whatever. But today I don't need to do anything that requires leaving the apartment. It's awesome especially since I've been sick.
  13. It even says that in the article <_<
  14. You can't just create 2 new states via a state ballot. Congress would have to approve it first.
  15. Even if this somehow passes on the ballot it will never get through Congress
  16. Even better! Thousands of other businesses manage to give their employees even more sick time than that and vacation time on top of it and they manage just fine. If a business can't afford to give its employees PTO that says more about the business than the employees who want to take time off.
  17. "I've only had shitty jobs that don't give a shit about the health of their workers and everyone else should suffer, too"
  18. I have sick time, yo. Just need a note. This is only the 3rd time I've called off since I started, and the 1st time on a Saturday. They only really care about weekend call offs if it's a regular thing.
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