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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I didn't say family. And you don't have to pay just search "free resume critique" and you should be able to find something that can give you basic pointers. I used a free one and it was good enough.
  2. 30 applications and no callbacks is pretty bad. Definitely get it looked at. A lot of places will do it for free. They'll try to upsell u into paying but they'll at least give some free basic pointers.
  3. I hate interviewing tho.
  4. Either fix ur resume or start applying to more stuff. I've applied to almost 150 jobs since I picked up the applying again back in March
  5. One phone interview I know I'm gonna have for sure. One person I called back and told them when I could interview and they said they need to arrange a time with their supervisor and will call me back. One person e-mailed me and I told them when I could meet with them, waiting to hear back. And then one person I'll need to call back tomorrow because I think they want to do a quick phone interview right now and I don't have time to prepare because I have to go to work soon. Oh and then there was one place that's doing a job fair thing that I got invited to but I have to work that day and the job fair is 100% during the time I'm working. I asked them is there anyway I can meet on a different day or before the job fair, we'll see if they respond, So manye 5 interviews next week. Fun fun. Also one place I interviewed at last week e-mailed me and I thought it was going to be the generic rejection e-mail but it said "I just wanted to let you know that we should be done with interviews this week. I will get back to you early next week about the position. It was a pleasure meeting you." So maybe it's just a professional courtesy before the rejection but I don't think I've ever gotten a follow up e-mail that wasn't just a rejection so maybe there's still hope probably not.
  6. Hopefully everything is okay. Light duty may be a possibility for me but I think they only do that if they have a need for it which they don't always have since there are usually a few people on light duty at any given time. Also some of the things they have you do on light duty like housekeeping would still be pretty hands on.
  7. Idk people go out for months for seemingly minor stuff all the time I can't imagine it'll be TOO difficult to manage 3 weeks.
  8. They need the documentation to back that shit up, yo.
  9. Yep. Hurts like hell when anyone squeezes my hand, even lightly. And recently it's started aching at random times for no apparent reason. Didn't even think about the 4th of July when I set up the surgery. They said I could have it as soon as next Wednesday but if not then I'd have to wait until June 13. I said June 13 because I need to make sure I have time to get everything set up at work with FMLA or disability or whatever I'm gonna need. Then realized June 13 is 3 weeks before 4th of July <_< Not sure if I'll be able to request the full 3 weeks off right from the start but I'm gonna try.
  10. I've had it for awhile now, years. It's just started bothering me a lot more recently. Decided it was time to get it looked at.
  11. Getting this weird bump/tumor thing removed from my left pinky finger
  12. Now I just need to come up with something that's wrong with me that I can get surgery for around mid-November...
  13. Doctor said he usually tells people to take about 2 weeks off work, sometimes up to 3. 4th of July is 3 weeks after the 13th I think I'm gonna need the full 3 weeks to recover.
  14. Pretty much but he was freaking the fuck out if I'd taken a picture it would just be a brown blur.
  15. I mean he does bully mazel all the time
  16. I can't confirm or deny that he had anything to do with it I was in bed
  17. No idea how it happened. Heard him yowling and thought the other cat Gordon was just playing rough/attacking him like he does. But then it kept going on and it sounded like he was in pain. I got out of bed and saw Gordon but still heard yowling and thought Gordon had seriously injured him this time and I was gonna have to go to the animal hospital. Then I see him tangled up in the blinds/curtains in the living room. Try to get him out and he yowls and hisses and bites the shit out of my hand. Got him free and he bolts out of there and hides for the next hour.
  18. Well we don't handle their meds so that wouldn't work either <_<
  19. Can't make it too obvious though <_<
  20. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up. Every time I have an interview that I think goes well it goes nowhere. Had one like 6 months ago that I was totally ready for and went great, didn't get the job I'm still salty about it, shit would have paid 50k a year which is so much more than I make now or even anything I'm applying to now.
  21. I just need to figure out how <_< People go out on injury for months at a time pretty often even for what seem like relatively minor injuries idk how they stay out so long. Like I got a minor concussion once and had a hard time getting the next day off.
  22. I'm so tired of working evenings and weekends. So, so tired. If I'm still here by Thanksgiving I just might try and have a little "accident" at work so I can go out on injury through the holiday season.
  23. That was my last job (minus the $15 an hour but that was OK at the time my rent was cheaper and I made a little extra from milage reimbursement) That sucks dude is it like u need to be on call 24/7 or do u actually need to be at the office at weird hours
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