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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I thought his ban was up awhile ago.
  2. He did have a warrant out...
  3. Finding a job that lets me work Monday-Friday 9-5 (or similar hours), no weekends and no holidays, no on call responsibilities, provides full benefits and pays enough for me to live comfortably, provides decent vacation and sick time that I can use whenever I want, and is at least semi-related to my degree/interests. Basically what I had at my last job. I hated that job for a lot of reasons but honestly at this point I think I'd take a similar position if it could offer all that. I swear if I have to work Thanksgiving and Christmas again...
  4. Last year I blew a fuse when I used my hair dryer while the portable ac unit was running <_< Apparently the bathroom and bedrooms are on the same circuit.
  5. It went like straight from winter temps to summer with like 1 week of "spring" like weather I swear every year it seems like spring gets shorter.
  6. 50's and 60's is like perfect temp honestly don't need heat or air, don't need a coat when you go outside...
  7. Same here and it looks like almost all 70's and 80's for the next week.
  8. I don't have a basement
  9. Can't afford it. The window one (Technically wall I guess it's just right below the window in the living room) came with the apartment and then we bought a portable one that we keep in the room where our computers are because it gets hot. Despite being "portable" it's too difficult to move at will so we just keep it in the same place for the duration of summer. On really hot days we move the mattress to the living room to sleep.
  10. Only 90's kids remember "Spring"
  11. I don't know how well that actually works especially since it humidifies the air when I need something to dehumidify.
  12. I miss winter already Next place I move to I'm making sure it has central air. A window unit in the living room and a portable unit we bought just isn't enough.
  13. I've only watched it like twice (compared to the like 10+ times I've seen the first 3 seasons) so I still wanna try to rewatch it before the remix comes out because I barely remember it.
  14. And Season 5 coming soon, too Can't wait Season 4 wasn't that great. I just hope I have time to binge watch the whole series before the remixed season 4 comes out.
  15. No I've never heard of this extremely obscure underground game. Seriously though it's an extremely popular game you should be able to Google it to find out more about it. Personally I don't think there's anything in it that I would find objectionable for an 8 year old though I feel like they'd be a bit too young to fully appreciate it beyond "look at the silly characters" and might be a bit scared by the final boss (I don't know any 8 year olds though so idk). But there's no real blood or violence if that's your concern. But I can't tell you how to raise your child do some research and decide for yourself.
  16. Why my gas bill has never been more than like $50 and is usually around $30, and I have no problem budgeting for it. Plus when the landlord pays for it that usually means they decide when they switch between heat and air and where I live you sometimes need to switch between those more than once in the same week.
  17. This is still Athena's mother I call my husband Kidney.
  18. Of course, I'd never rent at a place without actually seeing it first That won't be for awhile though. Since we aren't even moving until next summer we probably won't start actually going to see places until like...early 2019.
  19. Yeah this area is known for being pretty affordable. But for some of these places I just wonder like is something wrong with it or is it in a really ghetto part of town <_<. Like this one place has townhouses, 2 stories, 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, about the same size as or bigger than my current place...for like $50 less than I pay now for a 2 bed 1 bath normal apartment.
  20. That's the fun part the area we're relocating to is really affordable. Like my state in general is pretty affordable but this area is even better like some of the places even make me a little suspicious with how cheap they are.
  21. Actually going to places and making a final decision is more stressful but I love the going online and just looking at places part of it <_<
  22. We're renewing our lease at the current apartment for next year and won't be moving out until July 2019 but I'm already looking at apartments that are close to both my work and the school Kidney is gonna be going to. I just love looking at floorplans and pictures of other apartments <_< I already have 20 saved that look good just based on general location, price, and the pictures I see. Just need to do more research on them and make sure they're in safe neighborhoods but I'll probably have it narrowed down to like 10 places or less a year before we're even moving.
  23. I managed to make it through without having to use the bathroom
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