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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Exactly. That's how it is on all the houses on campus she should know that by now. She's newer than me but not that new.
  2. Nah fuck that if she hadn't been a bitch about it maybe. I don't plan on it.
  3. She wasn't even saving it for the client the client just saw the box and happened to ask. She said something like "what if I was saving that for my dinner" but it was literally two pieces of chicken. Tiny little wings, too. Maybe I shouldn't have finished it off without asking but she overreacted. Like I said I may have offered to buy her more had she not acted like a 5 year old about it.
  4. She said we could have some and then just left it sitting there I was hungry.
  5. She bought a 20 piece from KFC on her break and offered to share it with us. I had a few pieces while she was sitting there eating it. Couple hours later the box was still sitting there with two pieces in it. It was making me hungry so I ate the rest, didn't think much of it because I figured she was done with it. Towards the end of the shift a client saw the box and asked her for some (I had a one on one client I had to sit by so I couldn't get up to throw it out). I told the client it's empty and that I had finished it. Coworker started getting mad and I said sorry but figured she was just playing. Apparently not because she kept yelling at me about it. Probably would have offered to buy her a 5 piece or something to make up for it if she wasn't such a bitch about it. God I can't wait for my surgery and 3 weeks vacation afterwards.
  6. Hey, in the field I'm in even a lot of the supervisory positions pay less than I make now. Like DSP positions are a dime a dozen but most of them pay a dollar or two above minimum wage at best. But since I work at a state owned facility I make like twice that. A Home Manager at a group home might get paid like $12 an hour (highest I've seen is like $14.42) and most of the time they have on-call responsibilities and still work the same shitty hours I hate (I interviewed and actually got an offer from one but had to pass because they said you have to be on call even on off days and most of the homes they service are 45-60 minutes away from where I live). But honestly if I don't find something else by like, late September/early October, I might just say fuck it and apply for the day program position and figure out the money situation after. Like if this shit paid just a few dollars an hour more it would be perfect. These types of things pretty much always need staff so they may still have a need for people by then. It's either that or a temp agency.
  7. I've been applying to shit in totally different fields. I've considered applying to a position I've seen that's similar to what I do now but at a day program facility, so the hours would be more traditional and no holidays required. Only problem is the one I've seen pays $10 an hour which isn't nearly enough and I don't know how I'd make up the difference.
  8. Applied there like 6 months ago and got rejected. Maybe I'll try again. Costco wouldn't be bad, especially because right now I'm so close to a Costco it would be faster to walk there with how the parking lot gets. Honestly all I need right now is full-time $15/hr with full benefits and PTO, Monday-Friday 9-5 with no weekends or holidays required and I'd have my dream job. Doesn't matter what it is it could be working the street corner for all I care.
  9. Honestly if retail paid anywhere near what I make now I'd consider it. Would still have to work weird hours and weekends but I'd probably get off a bit earlier than I do now and no Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  10. Yippee. I'm going to kill myself if I don't find a new job by the holiday season. Not sure I can even make it that long. Like I'm getting surgery on the 13th and will need to be out for about 3 weeks and I'm super looking forward to it. Not even being sarcastic or anything. It will solve a problem that's been bothering me AND I get a vacation.
  11. Never heard of it must be some super underground indie shit didn't think you'd be into that beta stuff.
  12. Do it we need male staff so bad they'd probably hire you on the spot. Background check may be a problem though. Oh and there are cameras everywhere so no booze at work.
  13. Come to work at the place I work at we can be work besties
  14. All day Friday. And Saturday. And Sunday for me. But hey I got Memorial Day as my rest day so that's something. Still get 4 hours worth of pay for that day, too. Almost makes up for the fact that I won't get to take a break today because of the stupid "prom" thing we have to take the clients to right at the time we'd usually be taking breaks.
  15. Nah I think I'll just become homeless.
  16. He seems to be getting it all out at once right now at this rate I'd say 2 weeks, tops.
  17. And have 3 places that I applied to previously that called me back that I need to follow up with. Not sure what I hate more my job or the job hunt itself. Just kill me, fam. YEAH ATHENA JOB THREADS Take ur bets how long until I actually find a new job and then how long after that for the first complaint thread about the new job. I say 3 months to find a new job and 6 months into the job to start complaining.
  18. Yeah idk why she didn't tell me that when I first called. She did say that they liked me and they may have a similar position opening soon, but who knows if that's true and if it is true how soon "soon" actually is.
  19. That's when u say "I may not have a senior title but I have X, Y, and Z responsibilities which I believe would be relevant to this role"
  20. Can't you just emphasize that you do more when u list your responsibilities for the role?
  21. I get decent responses if I can actually get through the damn application. Jobs that just let me submit my resume and be done with it are my favorite
  22. And half the time I've applied on that site before but forget my info so I have to reset the password OH and, I have to submit my resume and then enter everything on my resume on the next page, either completely by hand or mostly by hand because even if it automatically imports the info half of the stuff is in the wrong place Just kill me, fam
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