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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. Only in specific threads with videos/gifs in it
  2. tickets for it here will be around $13 idk if I wana pay that amount when I do own the movie Hayao did say though he will make 1 more movie again
  3. Its the glow that gives it that girly feel
  4. I took a exodia deck to a ycs and finished 34th every now and then its popular when it can ftk
  5. God-Says-No


    Because you are
  6. If you enjoy nuzlockes/competitive battles pokeaimMD is the best
  7. I guess its pretty good But until its released and I can watch the entire film Ill know then example avatar last air bender live action
  8. Last competitive tourn I played was about 5-6 months ago the game is to expensive and broken
  9. Season 19 wasnt to bad this season is already pretty entertaining my only problem is episodes from like season 11 aged well idk how well some of these newer season episodes will be like in 5 years even
  10. now its really bad because everything trump is trying to do is push these idiots into power like palin, the bathroom idiot of the south, the wind can run out idiot of texas, the education system needs more biblical influences idiot, and I think hes gona basically undo everything obama has done
  11. 1. why would I go back to that dumpster fire 2. all thats left on that old board are the retarded uneducated trump supporters
  12. No im not apart of the trump ss
  13. For now
  14. Well it was, and it is still denied George Bush went on record saying "I dont want to interfere with other governments policies" As of late hes been pretty political over the US elections he did support Bernie
  15. Well they didnt say what it would be about just a full album and trying to be different than toxicity
  16. Ill just post a few of my favorites http://extrafabulouscomics.com/ http://explosm.net/ http://theycantalk.com/ http://poorlydrawnlines.com/
  17. Well time to move out of the country I seriously thought about it
  18. The world may never know
  19. Sure that was a mighty good story chap
  20. I have ended friendships over this because trump is just awful like their terrible worthless opinions about trump being good
  21. Pretty much this so we're fucked by people who dont even have a triple digit iq
  22. Just kinda stick it out its def better than [as] final days
  23. I do though these new nerfs are annoying gengar/dark void/gale wings though t-wave was needed
  24. I have both I like both I dont have time to make to friday night magic or yugioh though I havnt played in a while the meta is to broken
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