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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Yes. I still have cooking to do, when it gets closer to dinner time.
  2. I only really simmer two things that I cook for so long. Spaghetti and chili. I simmer them for so long to allow the herbs and spices to put off their full flavors. I picked fresh oregano from outside, and chopped it up and added that, and since it is so fresh, it needs time to let all the flavors gel together. Also, the veggies need plenty of time to get tender. Chili on the other hand, I use a London broil, or a chuck roast to make chili with. It simmers all day to allow the meat to become very tender.
  3. You can read, but you can't comment properly because your ''eyes are fucked up?'' Haha. Ok. If this is legit, what I just said should look something like this: Yuoou cannd fored bruw acan tcoametn padirly iis ducsl uap aheoa aok
  4. "See i am not the one who starts drama"
  5. for the 58454046906906 time. Got a giant pot of spaghetti simmering for dinner tonight. Laundry is going. And I am not doing anything else today.
  6. Who is standing behind you?
  7. Well, the op can't see df yet, so it's now or never. That is in no way persuasion. Just stating those facts.
  8. Do you have a weed eater? If not, get one and go full blown on it. Won't take long.
  9. Enter bnmjy with a fucked up spoiler.
  10. It's a hairy one. Retro.
  11. I envy that size yard. It takes me 3 hours just to weed eat here. Our yard alone, is a couple of acres. Lots of fountains and pools. Shops, sheds, patios...etc. to work around.
  12. I knew this was coming. I fucking knew it. I..(gag)...hate....(gag)....you....(dies of asphyxiation).
  13. Knock it out in a day, and go get some plants from the place across the street and spruce it up.
  14. so I can not look at them. (Gag noise).
  15. It looks as if you would be able to hear it pop.
  16. My beard looks like a nut got busted in it.
  17. Oops. My bad. Thought that said Post your Zits.
  18. bought a couple of pots of them today, and they are beautiful. I am not a big flower person, but I am partial to gerbera daisies. They are making our front yard pop right now.
  19. "Oh my God. Are those bed bugs?"
  20. Fair enough. I have all four PlayStation's and I still think PS2 is my favorite. Just an all around great system.
  21. Shoot it. PS3 was my least favorite PlayStation product ever. Right behind the Vita.
  22. Mayonnaise white.
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