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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. I mean, no. Shit is where I draw the line. I'll let you borrow my pressure washer.
  2. That sounded like a wet one.
  3. Pfft.
  4. It means several things. None of which are comforting.
  5. I mean, more than 10% is always appreciated.
  6. Halloween is upon us. ~ entire world It's a fucking 100 degrees. Kids want ice for trick or treat. ~ Georgia
  7. I don't dance for free. You gotta tip.
  8. tell them your ghost ain't mini. tell them the last girl you fucked had to wear Depends for two months.
  9. I didn't know there was knock off brand toothpaste. I mean, if I see someone brushing with some equate toothpaste, I'm gonna go all middle school on them and make fun of them.
  10. Fantastic. Can I hold a dollar?
  11. Athena ate your pizza.
  12. Yes, I rage rejoined.
  13. Poor Naraku. He might just have it worse than Phillies.
  14. I figured he might have made an exception today. Maybe he's changing things up since Labor Day is over.
  15. So am I. 😉
  16. I am oblivious to my surroundings.
  17. Easy killa. Pornhub isn't going anywhere.
  18. NO, YOU! (rage quit)
  19. Wrong movie.
  20. (Summons my inner Patrick Swayze).
  21. (Takes a bow).
  22. It really gets kinky when the belt misses the ass and hits the nut sack and turns it blue.
  23. The cure for ADD when I was coming up was a belt to the ass. Who else is old as hell?
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