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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. resurrected


    I may get it anyways. I mean, I didn't let the critics stop me from getting Fallout 76.
  2. Doesn't sound bad. I was up at 4 this morning. Had to pee and could not go back to sleep.
  3. Our daughter's birthday is next month, and while driving down to Savannah today, she nonchalantly mentioned how she wanted a DS for her birthday. So, I went ahead and surprised her with it today. Our boy is big into the Nintendo Switch. So the games were for him. The Blu-rays were for me. Picked up Bohemian Rhapsody, Stranger Things Season One, which came in a VHS box that I found too cool to pass up, Overlord, and the new Robin Hood movie with Jamie Foxx. And I ate until I couldn't move. An all you can eat Mexican buffet. I'm glad we don't have one in our town, or I'd weigh 900 pounds.
  4. finally got Super Smash Bros. and picked up Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Haven't played either one yet.
  5. resurrected


    I saw it today at Best Buy, but I've only heard bad things about it, so I passed.
  6. No pictures?
  7. Doritos, either nacho cheese or taco flavored, with Easy Cheese and ketchup on them. Don't judge me. Also, cream of wheat with ketchup in it.
  8. ITT: TV's that are smarter than the owners.
  9. Yep. Damn tax deductions.
  10. went to Savannah and bought some Blu-rays. Some video games. A new Nintendo 3DS XL. Had a good lunch at the Mexican restaurant. Not a bad day at all.
  11. God. Damn.
  12. You can get Packard to cater the wedding.
  13. Is she legally old enough to marry, or does she have to have her parent's consent? Will it be on the weekend, or will she have to miss a day of day care?
  14. Welcome to my world. Except for the smelly part.
  15. I've done that too. It was a lot better than Cookie Crisp.
  16. Yeah, I've seen people do that. It always irked me.
  17. Dude. My home ec teacher made something like that, but that was over 30 years ago and I couldn't remember what it was exactly. So, to my knowledge, and what I will make sometimes, is peanut butter and frosted flakes in a mug and eat that. It is awesome.
  18. Hollywood has writer's block. I don't want to see this garbage.
  19. Hey now. Fine. I'll will you a few gaming systems and a solid Blu-ray collection.
  20. Where's the who cares option?
  21. It's like anything you injure, you keep hitting it on everything.
  22. Nothing alpha about considering the bus driver as you chauffeur.
  23. I was washing my hair in the shower and my damn fingernail accidentally scrapped across the wound and re-opened it up. Hurt like hell and I knew it was going to bleed again. A bandaid just isn't working because of where the cut is. I'm ready for this day to be over with.
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