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Everything posted by Hajime

  1. Apparently for Misaka, snitches get glitches.
  2. It's an archaic pronunciation: Faggot.
  3. Dead.
  4. I just got banned for doing it.
  5. Just ask military hottie to take the photo, goddammit.
  6. Pussies come in a wide variety.
  7. At least someone enjoys it.
  8. That's not an insult, ass burgers.
  9. Lets insult each other some more.
  10. You already do each time you open your mouth to speak your retarded ass baby speak.
  11. That's retarded.
  12. Screw misaka anyway. He's a pedophile.
  13. Tequila is pretty gross by itself, although margaritas are bomb.
  14. god doesnt real anyway I work almost every Sunday.
  15. Get away from me, you weird Grandpa! The bingo parlor is over there.
  16. Honestly, 21 seems kinda juvenile to me, and I'm only 25. I think you did the right thing.
  17. You have the most absurd logic.
  18. You made me snort.
  19. fuggs, I don't really have a problem with moderation, although I do think KN's a bitch.
  20. Weren't you asking for a pic so you could draw fangs earlier? Now you got it.
  21. I always get holiday pay, even if I don't work the holiday.
  22. Yes you can. You can't spell Misaka without the letters ASS.
  23. KN was the one who banned me, not Pat.
  24. Eh, I'm not even gonna argue it. I deserve the ban, for sure.
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