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  1. What's NC got to do with fuggs?
  2. Me? Maybe check who youre talking to because I dont even know that which you are referring to.
  3. No because he gave consent ahead of time. Not here to argue. Do you.
  4. ....yall know when you post stuff like this that it's sexual harrassment?
  5. Totally hysterical.
  6. His reaction to figuring out she was trans wouldnt fly these days.
  7. I work in a skyrise downtown. .over 15 floors! Many different things on each floor...all hard asf to do jobs making loads of money. .so sometimes people in the building look at me like ?! You have to use your id in order to even go up the elevator. Remember this. So today a man played nice and just came right out and pretty much asked me what the hell I was doing there. I used my card and picked my floor. He used his card and picked his floor and was assigned my elevator. He tried to be nice but it was the nosy asking for too much info nice. Him: What floor do you work on? Me:(oh boy..here we go again) The INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY floor (smile) Him: yeah but with who? I say tell him the dept Then this man says my director's name. Him: oh with so and so and them Me: (fuckfuckfuck..who is he? Probably a VIP ...fuck) yeah *scared asf smile*(hopes like hell im not breaking the dress code or something.) I get to my floor. Him: okay, have a nice day! Tomorrow's Friday...so if i make it to Saturday without a surprise phone call firing me imma thank the Job gods! Really just counting my days at this point. Its alright. Im looking for that in between jobs break!
  8. Imagine running shit so well people wanna get bant on purpose.
  9. Rumor has it there's only 5 left and 3 of them are buddyroe alts.
  10. This....pleases me.
  11. Some folks will die ugly inside/out. Hilarious. I find this so funny.
  12. Why revive this old ass thread? No really. These people not even thinking about you lol
  13. Or responds to every thread on a dying message board 45 years old and still trying to look cool on the internet.
  14. Yes yes. Things are going swimmingly!
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