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Everything posted by midnight

  1. As if we'd invite people over and tell them to get to work. She really doesn't understand how to troll.
  2. We can get the fountain done after the pool, hopefully. It's looking like rain towards the end of the week though. For a few days. But when is the weather ever right?
  3. I didn't make anyone do anything. Stillz wanted to get out in the garden. And she had a blast.
  4. Onto, then into. Got to build it first.
  5. I knew disco and stillz wanted to do some yard stuff. I just needed a day to recoup. My body is aching. Now, onto the pool.
  6. Nah. It has been repaired. I know. It sucks.
  7. Disco and I.
  8. Exhausted from the events this week. Kitchen remodeling whooped us.
  9. I didn't take any yet. I will tomorrow.
  10. thanks for helping disco, stillz. The fountain flower bed is coming along nicely.
  11. Obviously dancing doesn't make you more pleasant. You have proven that theory.
  12. I would also put money on that theory. She's as sharp as a butter knife.
  13. I have already been down that rabbit hole with her. It's her ''culture.''
  14. If you are dancing around in a hotel room, you will wake up whoever else is in the room. I don't really see how you think there is no noise involved while dancing.
  15. Totally off subject, but my tummy is a bitch this morning. I ate too much. Damn macaroni and cheese. (Can't wait for some more).
  16. I would walk down to the gym in my underwear. Of course, I'd walk right past the gym, on my way to the food bar.
  17. They can be rough.
  18. I forgot about the cheesecake. And coleslaw. And bread.
  19. Mosquito's are out damn near all year here. Disco gets bit a lot. I used to, but not anymore. I don't know. Our mosquito's are friendly.
  20. Unity is garbage. So is Odyssey. Keeping with tradition.
  21. And every last mod...
  22. And the members...
  23. I'm wondering how your ass got a bite. Also, they claim this bullshit is real. If it were, I'd have been dead. Years ago.
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