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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Circular logic > circular jerking.
  2. I thought ZeniGundam spelled backwards was, “I like high school chicks?”
  3. God boocs. (Checks Revelations)
  4. Rage quit? I was only joking. I will shut up now.
  5. (Is scared shitless of an internet badass). Haha!
  6. I’ve done my snooping today. So far, I’ve only seen a few people who need to be knocked down a peg or two.
  7. You probably didn’t realize this, but ‘38 Packard spelled backwards is idiot.
  8. Yeah I think I made a mistake. Forgive me, Rabbi!
  9. I never type “lol”, but that made me laugh out loud for real.
  10. edanomel ocsid you phuqing terrorist
  11. P H U Q Y O U ! Spousal unit...pffft.
  12. Christmas Attacks Homosextables! On the upcoming 22nd season of South Park!
  13. Damn, it’s been a long day.
  14. I figured they had it in the back of a ‘38 Packard.
  15. Yes.
  16. Well, it fits him doesn’t it?
  17. The lag on this thread is killing me, so I have to bounce. Don’t forget about AC/DC, Guns N‘ Roses and Poison!
  18. This is going to be a shit show.
  19. I love this song.
  20. Crispus Attucks rarely mentioned? I mean, dude was kind of a big deal.
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