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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I have a close friend in Colorado who makes his own beer. He has crafted a beer similar to Guinness. Which if I have to drink a beer, that’s what I want. But he will gladly share his knowledge of the craft. We just haven’t had time to do it. But the wine is another story. We have plenty of Muscadines. I’m told that the wine my stepfather made, was quite tasty. I didn’t try it, because I hate wine. It gives me dry mouth. And heartburn for days.
  2. Well, his plan worked. I clicked it, and am now typing this with soap in my eyes. 😂
  3. Yeah, your bar looked awesome. It’s been many years since I’ve been to a good establishment. Mainly because I don’t drink anymore. But I’d like to go to a good sports bar and kick back and watch a game. We've been busy with business plans as well. Well, disco has. I help when she will let me. We’re all about the food. But like I said the other day, we are very interested in a micro brewery, and putting our small vineyard to goodnuse, by making wine. We’ve never made any, but my step father has made it from the same vineyard. We just have to try our hand at it.
  4. Wasn’t me that posted that.
  5. I’m happy y’all are getting ready to move forward. The bar looks awesome. I checked it out on Facebook. And 80 degrees, damn. It’ll be 80 here until Christmas probably.
  6. midnight


    Unless of course, you were a zombie. Then, I mean, brains are like filet mignon. In all seriousness though, people down here love cow brains. I think I’d have to eat a roach first.
  7. midnight


    Can’t argue with that.
  8. That’s just wrong.
  9. It’s a damn shame that they have everything I need, in one stop, and manage to be the biggest asshole of a store on the planet. I don’t “people” well, so being in a packed store, my anxiety jacks off, and not in a good way.
  10. Zeni, what’s your stats? Height and weight? And don’t lie. You have pictures all over this site.
  11. I would. Can’t let the 2-3 ft balloon count get low. Damnit, Trigun. How did this happen?
  12. It’s funny in a sad way. Dude tries too hard to be liked.
  13. Same. It was mostly conversing back and forth. More talk than pictures.
  14. Your package is scheduled to be there on Tuesday.
  15. Ed Helms is funny as hell, so I have to see it. Plus, who doesn’t like the game of Tag?
  16. midnight


    I don’t know if I saw your picture on the “picture” thread or not. I didn’t scroll through all the pages. I try not to judge folks though. I’m old and fat and married, so I don’t care what anyone looks like. As long as a person is cool, that’s all that matters to me.
  17. We are all caught up on Marvel movies, so not much to do this weekend. We did pick up the new movie, Tag today. Might watch that tomorrow night.
  18. We had Dairy Queen. I wanted Mexican food, but disco wasn’t very hungry and our son wanted DQ.
  19. midnight


    I’m sure that’s not true.
  20. midnight


    I used to say the same thing back when I was a grocery manager.
  21. I’m gonna play on here for a bit, then try to relax for a while.
  22. Don’t get overheated. I don’t know what the weather is like up there, but it was almost 100 here today.
  23. I did laundry last night, cause I knew we were gonna be out all day today. Now, I’m trying to rehydrate. Shopping and just being out, takes it out of me.
  24. Not this alley, pardn’er. This alley has been blocked off. No through traffic.
  25. If you’re 185 lbs., you must be like 5’0” tall.
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