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Everything posted by midnight

  1. I will attempt to make a thread that isn’t taken over by ________.
  2. I tried Warframe. Once. Now I know why it’s free.
  3. Hello, Elle Sombrero!
  4. I am not in the CJOH. I’m in enough groups on Facebook as it is. But I do know several of the folks who are in it.
  5. My post is gonna get shit kicked to dumpster fires, and I’ll never see it again. 😭
  6. “Regerts” ...were you eating a Milky Way? Hahaha! Sorry. I couldn’t resist.
  7. Not to brag or anything, but I’m two days in and have like 9 pages of posts. (Dusts off the shoulder) But I don’t care about that sort of thing. I am here to shoot the shit. Nothing more.
  8. That’s on everybody else. Not me. I haven’t mentioned her name because I DON’T KNOW HER! I post what’s on my mind. I comment as I see fit. For the most part, like, 99% of the time, I leave people alone. If they want to talk, fine. If not, fine. Im trying to figure out why you are concerned with disco being here for a year, and not me. Maybe because I didn’t want to be bothered with dramatic elementary shit like this. I don’t know this fuggs person. Never seen her. And if drama follows her, then I don’t care to.
  9. How in the immortal fuck did this get twisted around, and once again, as I’ve heard many times already, in the two days I’ve been here, suddenly revolve around this one person, that I’ve never even spoken to, or seen? Jesus facepalming Christ.
  10. I’ve never spoken to her, so I’m gonna slide right out of that convo. >>>>>
  11. Where’s that damn “oh snap” emoji? Haha!
  12. I’m seeing that.
  13. I’m taking that as I’ve been warned? Haha!
  14. Not here. I mean, I don’t know why there has to be a grudge because she has been here and I haven’t.
  15. Yikes, scoob!
  16. Thank you for the continued advice. I appreciate it very much. There is no Labor Day parade here, but I do have a Meet and Greet coming up in October, in a small incorporated town that falls in my district. I really need those votes. I will be running ads for a few weeks leading up to the election, in the paper. I also have an article with pictures coming up in this week’s paper, regarding dumpster issues. I actually just got more pictures today from the dump, loaded on my campaign page. Poll watchers are something I haven’t even thought about, or the absentee voters list. I will definitely look into those areas. Again, thanks, very much. Means a lot.
  17. Well, hey, red panda!! Ha!
  18. Why does he have a grudge? I’ve only been here for 2 days.
  19. Nope. I wasn’t on asmb. Disco lemonade is my wife. That’s how I found the place.
  20. That was the main focal point of my platform. When they asked me at the registration office, “What party are running under?” I asked, “Which party prefers shemale porn and which party prefers midgets wrestling in cream corn?” You know the rest. 😂
  21. Hello, SwimOdin. And haha! It’s not the hotel that sucks. It’s the people in the other room who are sucking.
  22. I dodged them when I came out of the rabbit hole, but did wish them a good evening.
  23. No, even though we do live in a red state. The party I’m affiliated with, granted, has a reputation for being extremely conservative and quite arrogant. I am neither. I am not extremely liberal nor am I extremely conservative. I believe in equal rights. I believe all lives matter. I believe in a higher minimum wage. I believe in more eco friendly advances. I want to see more solar fields, and less reliance upon nuclear energy. I have no opinion about abortion, other than it is a woman’s choice. I don’t believe men should tell women what to do. Their choice. Those are a few of my national political stances. Far as local goes, which is the office I am seeking, out main concerns are party affiliated. Just had to pick a party to get on the ballot. I can’t say specifically here why I ran on the republican ballot, but it was the right choice, for one specific reason.
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