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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Here’s the real story; he made all this shit up. O”Mega” Man.
  2. I’m not even going to ask. 🤐
  3. I hope that’s how my day goes tomorrow.
  4. Had to run a ton of errands. Two towns in two different counties. We just got back home. Of course, Walmart was jam packed. That place is always a pain in the ass to navigate through.
  5. midnight


    Eggs for me. Can’t stand them. Don’t want to touch them. Also, feet.
  6. midnight


    Name something or someone that grossed you out!
  7. I’m pretty sure it’s in there somewhere. If not, it will be.
  8. I saw. Mine is longer than any I saw. Also, disco wanted me to tell you that she lost your address and if you could please resend it to her, as she is mailing it out today.
  9. And just as all hell was about to break loose, DeadPool stopped by Popeye’s for a drumstick and a biscuit. Wolverine could feel his claws itching to extend and slice DeadPool in half, until he realized, maybe DP was onto something. A bowl of dirty rice did sound good right about now.......
  10. Got a busy day ahead. What’s everyone up to on this lovely Friday?
  11. I’m good. I think I saw somewhere in the mission statement that you’ve got to have like a 5,000 post count to see Poof naked. So, I’ll just wait til then, and limit my post count to one a day. Ha!
  12. Disco makes awesome lemon cupcakes. Nothing like em.
  13. A shit show of epic proportions. Or when you take a massive duke and flush and don’t realize the toilet is about to overflow, and your butthole goes snorkeling in brown gravy? Fantastic!
  14. Vanilla is my favorite flavor of ice cream, but who needs ice cream, when you’ve got delicious lemon flavored cupcakes, with a cloud of delicious icing?
  15. That bad huh? DF is the place where shit goes to get flushed I’m guessing?
  16. I’m inching closer to the infamous dumpster fires. Maybe next week.
  17. I found that out on day one. But I thought I could get him to break character. And I’m sure I could, but it would take a lot of verbiage I don’t want to use. Besides, he’s not hurting anyone. Just an insecure kid. Not judging or disrespecting him , but that’s my assessment of the kid.
  18. I offered the kid some valuable advice today, and got alpha logic in return. I couldn’t reach this kid.
  19. Just when I was thinking you were cool, you go and say some blasphemous shite like that. (Hangs head in fear that all hope in the universe has been Thanos’d).
  20. Half a pack of Rolaids is bit generous, I’m sure. Alpha’s fuck yeah! 💪💪💪💪💪 (Or wtf ever it is he spews).
  21. Well then, no reason for complaints. Don’t let Zeni see you say that.
  22. Ahhh hell. (Picks up the phone and calls BullShit)! Ha!
  23. Alpha males don’t waste their time on a teenager. Real alphas go for the real women. Sorry dude. I’m old enough to know what I’m talking about. I have kids older than you. Real alpha males don’t have to be showmen. They just do it. Plus, I’m pretty sure that most of the dudes on this site are more alpha than you. @ghostrek would take you. That’s where my money is. If I’m being honest. I saw your picture. I’m not judging. Just calling it like I see it, Zeni. How y’all are you? Because without that information, it would be an unfair assessment.
  24. Hey now. I cannot tell a lie. (Insert Nixon peace sign).
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